Saturday 17 September 2016

Beach Photo Adventures and Pirate party New's!

Before You ask where is this weeks Movie Day well mummy took me out on Thursday and decide it was just a day for me and her!So we only have a couple of photos from the morning and some photos to a previous visit to this beach.
it was only just light and we were waiting for the sun to come up!
Sun is up still early but perfect for a spot of digging!

Now for the previous visit!

And now for some of me!

Now you still have time to join in my annual pirate party next week!You can send in your photos to me at [email protected] Photo's need to be emailed by 18th September or you can post the to my Facebook Party Page Event HERE Don't forget you get a chance to win my surprise treasure chest for best dressed pirate!


  1. Sometimes when my human takes me out it's just for us also, and she doesn't even take photos... okay, maybe a couple, MOL!

  2. MY CAPTAIN MY CAPTAIN! Good morning Captain Speedy! I see you are just itching to take to the high seas, having mummy take you to the beach! Your ship is coming in soon, so get your treasure chest, captain suit and swords ready! I will be watching the fun as a land lubber!!!!!

  3. Every day with you is a special day Speedy!

  4. You have to endure being in a cage also? SQUAAAAAAAAWK

  5. Oh! How I do love the beach! Sadly, my skills to add anything other than lettering fail every time. I may not enter, but I can still attend! :)

  6. "Beach bunny,
    beech bunny
    give mee a kiss....."
    LadyMum iss singin again Speedy!
    You look so cat-tented at thee Beach mee furend.
    Mee has to get LadyMum to PiZap mee a Pie-rat foto...sorry wee so beehind!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  7. Glad you had a good time at the beach with your mum, Speedy.

  8. It looks like you had a wonderful day ! Purrs

  9. Looks so beautiful there. Thanks for sharing.
    Sue B

  10. Arrgh - I see where you are burying the treasure.


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