Wednesday 21 September 2016

Disapproving Bun Day

It Wednesday and that means Disapproving Bun Day so Today's Star is Betsy of Rabbitat for Humanity- Therapy bunnies Walter and Betsy......
And She Disapproves of her Husbun being poorly so expects you all to send lots of Power Of The Paw to get him well again.So please drop by their facebook page to send it.

Thanks to their mummy Jenn for sending this one in.

For More Disapproving Buns hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

OK now next I want to thank you all for coming to my Pirate Party and next to tell you tomorrow's Post will be the voting for the best dressed Pirate so Make sure you come by to place your vote!


  1. Speedy your pawty was pawsome! You are the most interesting bunny I ever met and I am happy to be your furrend.
    From Vancouver,
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  2. speedy...dood....awesum diz a provin bun twoday ~~~~~ waves two ewe betsy....we iz knot on facebook but wood still like ta send best fishes & blessingz for yur huzband walter~~~~~~ hope him getz ta feelin 10000000 % better veree soon ♥♥♥

  3. Sending prayers for her husbun. What a cute bunny.
    Sue B

  4. Wishing for the best with Walter ... what a beautiful bun you are Betsy!

  5. Whoa. Miss Betsy surely DOES look like she disapproves!

  6. We have been away from Blogville too long. Sorry we missed your pirate day. We will have to come back and vote!

  7. Oh my!!!! This bunster is MAD as all get-out! Is she holding back one ear, or is she a one-eared rabbit? I saw one once in my garden!

  8. Sending lots of purrs and prayers to Walter. Betsy is mighty cute. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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