Monday 12 September 2016

Captain Speedy's Annual Pirate Party Giveaway Announcement!

Did you Know the 19th Sept is International Talk like a Pirate Day and that means its been 3 years since I became a one eyed Bunny and the Pirate Captain you all know today.So that means its time to Announce my annual Pirate Party event that starts on the 19th of September and finishes on the 26th September with My Pirate Costume giveaway at my Party post with the voting to comence after for the best dressed Pirate!So get your costumes dusted off and Send in your photos of yourselves dressed in your best Pirate costumes by Sunday 18th Spetember to me at [email protected] get get your chance at my surprize treasure chest prize!

I will Also be Hosting the party on special Facebook Party event too!


  1. Yay ! Can't wait to see the photos of the Pirate Costume giveaway ! Purrs

  2. Speedy you are the cutest fluffy Pirate we know.
    Have a fun FB and I don't have a FB account
    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. You are hilarious as a pirate I tell ya!
    Lily & Edward

  4. Yes, there are always some great entries Speedy!

  5. OMD, I am SO in!!! I thinks I needs Ma to gets me a new costume this year..SHOPPING! WoooHooo!
    Ruby ♥

  6. Aaargh .. been a'wonderin' when it was a'comin. Now I knows - shiver me timbers!!!

  7. It is one of my favorite days of the year, Captain!

  8. Oh boy! Nobody throws a Pirate Event like the Master Pirate Sir Speedy!

    Hugs, Sammy

  9. AY, CAPT'N!!!!!!! Speedy, it's that time! I don't have any pirate suits or pets to dress up, but I assure you I WILL BE HERE! ALRIGHT MATES...all hands on deck!

  10. Always a fun time. Love seeing all the entries.
    Sue B

  11. Squeals with piggy delight. I was just thinking about this the other day!! XOXO - Bacon

  12. Everyone knows a parrot can't be a pirate. I can, however, sit on a pirate's shoulder and poo.

  13. Oh my Bunny!! We are going to have Mama dust off our Pirate Costumes and start practicing our AAaArrrrggghhhhs!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  14. Well Shiver Me Timbers....count the Florida Furkids in!

    The Florida Furkids

  15. Speedy I will be there!
    Louis Dog Armstrong

  16. Good greef Speedy wee missed this bloggie post Speddy! Berry sorry....mee has been a paw-full all week an LadyMum has been feelin purrty frazzled!!!
    Mee wood like to join thee pawty so mee will ask her nice like to PiZap mee a foto an send it to Aunty Rachel....
    AAARR....mee matey!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  17. Ahoy matey! We be wantin ta partay w'ye!


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