Monday 6 February 2017

Disapproving Bun Day

It's Disapproving Bun Day and Today's Star is Mr Bean's from Sunshine Cavies on Facebook and Mr Beans and Friends on Facebook

OMB no Banana for Mr Beans gosh no wonder he's Disapproving!

Thanks to Kaitlen Mr Beans Mum for letting us borrow photo's again!

We alway's need photo's of you disapproving bunnies so send them into me at [email protected]

And for More Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. No Wonder he Disapproved. Everybuddy Loves Nannas.

  2. No banana! What's going on
    Lily & Edward

  3. I hope Mr Beans gets a nanner soon! Or maybe cilantro. I hear bunnies like cilantro.

  4. waves two ewe mr beans...itz veree nice ta meet ewe....we hope yur mum gave in & let ya haz sum nana !! happee monday two ewe N ewe two speedy ~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  5. I thought *every day* was disapproving Bun Day! Do buns ever APPROVE of things? Not that I myself approve of much, you understand. Food, catnip, naps, toys. Yeah, that's about it.

  6. No nanners would make definitely make for a disapproving bunster!!!!!!!

  7. That..., that can't be!!! Those hoomins, I tell you. Send them off for more nanna ;-) <3

  8. Gasp!!! Yous better runs to the store!!!

  9. No treats? Now I understand the problem.

  10. No nanna?!! Now that is a bad day for a bunny! ;p

    the critters in the cottage xo

  11. Good Greef Mistur Beanss no 'Nanna' iss just so wrong!!!
    Yur foto iss purriceless!
    ***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxx an {{{hugs}}} LadyMum


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