Sunday 5 February 2017

Sunday Selfies and some news!

Hi everyone we are joining The Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfie's Blog hop today!

                                        The Perfect Selfie I think!

Now for Some News first just a quick update on Reggie the Hedgehog has now been Hibernating for 6 weeks with Mum checking the bowl of dry cat food/kibble daily and changing the water.
2nd Mum put a hanging Bird table in one of the trees in the front garden and a ground feed tray underneath plus a water bowl and we now have Blue tits,Great tits,Coal tits ,House Sparrows,Robins and Black birds visiting for a good nosh up.And on the shed roof in the back garden she has a little tray for the wood pigeons and ring necked doves to feed at.We are hoping the at some point we will get some Chaffinches too but we will have to wait and see on that.
3rd I want to say thank you to you all for coming to my 5th Gotcha Day PartyI We had a blast didn't we?I all so got some Gotcha Day cards from some of my friends.The 1st one is from Doc and Fozziemum ,the 2nd one is from my dearest Nellie and the last one is from my pal Purince Siddhartha Henry!

And Finally the Big News!I am now a roving reporter for Carma over at Carma Yesterday I did my first post for Carma so can you hop on over to take a look see At my first post.As those of you who know her She isn't very well at the moment so could you also send her some POTP as well cause she is a great gal which is why Mum and me are helping out over there too!


  1. Speedy Darling! Mes always has the bestest times with yous. And what excitement with all those birdd. Mes Loves bird watching.
    Now Mes off to reads your first post at Carma's
    Your Nellie Bellie

  2. Great selfie, Speedy. Your nose (and the rest of you of course), is so adorable. We're sorry we missed your Gotcha Day party ... but we send belated well wishes :)

  3. Wow, I wish I had your Bird TV over here at my house! We just get random sparrows and mourning doves.

    I met Carma at BlogPaws a couple of years ago and I have been purring for her lots.

  4. Purrfect Selfie indeed, Speedy and so much good news! Sorry to hear that your furriend Carma isn't feeling well. We will send Healing Pawkisses and purrayers her way and hope she feels better soon <3 <3 <3
    Btw can you check if there is a little robin between your birdies, I miss..ed mine :D Pawkisses for a Happy Easy Sunday :) <3

  5. I. Love. You. You are the sweetest bunny ever, and your Sunday selfie is perfect. AND YOU ARE NOW A JOURNALIST BUN BUN! I must go and see your work Sir Speedy! Happy Sunday little man!

  6. That is an excellent selfie, Speedy. You look so nice in blue. Sounds like you're getting some interesting birds at your feeder. What fun!

  7. That is a purrfect selfie for sure, and you are a purrfect pal for helping out your pal Carma. We be send prayers and purrs for her to be better soon.
    Purrs, Erin

  8. That is a darn good selfie Speedy and I'm glad you had fun on your Gotcha Day!

  9. Those are lovely cards Speedy. Hope you had the best Gotcha Day!

  10. Great selfie. When does the hibernation stop? Sure still is cold out there.

  11. That is a lovely jacket! Have a wonderful week.

  12. Your bird TV sounds totally awesome, Speedy! We're purring and praying lots for Carma.

  13. Perfect is ever so right Speedy. Love your selfie!!!!

  14. Beautiful selfies! We have plenty of birdies over here too, but my laundry list of visitors is very different from yours. I think the only thing we have in common are ring-neck doves! I just love those guys and their funny little calls.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  15. Yur rite Speedy this ISS thee Purrfect Selfie of you!!!
    An Woo Hoo fur Reggie sleepin on an fur Aunty Rachel putting out all thee feederss. Wee miss doin that here mee can tell you!
    An mee will go over an visit Carma fur sure.
    Fankss Aunty Rachel an Unccle Nick fur thee grate fone chat today....LadyMum iss all smiles now :)
    ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  16. You've been a very busy bunny celebrating and selfie taking.
    Congratulations on your new roving reporter job. I'm sure you'll be great at it.

  17. That is definitely a purrfect selfie. We're going to run over to Carma's and read your post!

  18. That's a cute selfie, Speedy. Congrats on your guest post over at Carma Poodle.

  19. Wow Speedy you are one Busy Bunny. We are so impressed!!!!

    Happy Sunday Selfie.

    The Dash Kitten Crew

  20. Oh, you little bunny, I am so sorry I missed your Gotcha Day and am sending belated happy Gotcha to you. LOVE the array of birds you must be enjoying. What a show each day to see so many amazing feathered creatures!

  21. That's a very nice selfie ! This little coat suits you very well !

  22. That blue vest, Speedy! So dapper and comfy,snorgles to you, my friend!

  23. You are one good-looking bunny, Speedy! We're sorry we missed your Gotcha Day. We hope it was grand! And a guest post? Hooray! We're headed over to read it now!

  24. Beautiful selfie, Speedy. We're so sorry we missed your Gotcha Day so Happy Belated Gotcha Day to you!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  25. We love your news! Our Mom said she'll send you all her birds since she has to give up feeding them (too many neighbor cats making bird-snacks). Happy, Happy Gotcha Day, dear Speedy! And congrats on your first guest post!

  26. That is exciting that you are a roving reporter! We are going to check out your post :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  27. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow yoo ar a reporter now??? just like lois lane!!! only not a hyooman lady!!! but stil yoo mite git to meet sooperman rite??? ok bye


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