Friday 9 June 2017

Speedy's Movie Day...Summer Time Beach Fun!

Hi Everyone its been a while since we had a movie day so here is my latest adventure!
My latest adventure was at the was a proper summery day,so Summer Time Beach Fun is here again for all of you to enjoy! here is the direct YouTube link here is the direct YouTube link here is the direct YouTube link here is the direct YouTube link,Please click on these links if you have trouble viewing them here.

So there you have it the start of Summer for me....lets hope I get to enjoy many Summer time Adventures for you to see!


  1. I love your beach adventures, Speedy! That looks like a cool new tent... I hope you learn to love it.

  2. You are a proper beach bunny! Oh Speedy, enjoy all the sunshine and crisp blue seas and sky my dearest. LOVE YOU!

  3. Hi sweet boy! It looks like you have had such a fun time at the beach. It's always so fun to see you!

  4. You're digging? You're a terrier.

  5. Oh my goodness! A beach day. Where is your sun bonnet
    Lily & Edward

  6. You sur are a fun beach bunny Speedy!

  7. dood...we iz mega gel uz !!! but happee for ewe.....look at de bloo oh thoz waterz !!!!!! de fence N ewe N mum hada bit oh mix up in moovvee one huh !!! N did ya find bear reed treasure in mooovee 3 ☺☺☺ thanx for sharin { pea ezz...what iz de big rock out in de ocean waterz ? ☺☺♥♥ }

    1. Hehehe I like to keep mum on her toes,the rock is the remains of an old arch rock doesn't have a name but we just call it the piller,xx Speedy

  8. What are you doing under all that greenery, Speedy? We would love to join you on the beach.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  9. Your day at the beach looks like lots of fun, Speedy! :)

  10. Speedy mew are so lucky to go to the beach all the time, we luffs your videos today, they're pawesome!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  11. Speedy, you are a fun boy! I am extra glad I know you.

  12. You get to roam around quite a bit during your beach outings. You must have to weigh down your tent if it's a bit breezy, or it would blow away!


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