Saturday 3 June 2017

Presents for Speedy from my Aunty Di

Hello I'm so excited as this week a little parcel turned up for me from my Aunty Di....look at all the goodies she sent me...
Now time to play with my tube....

and of course some action too.... link to youtube

Thanks Aunty Di for my lovely Presents I love them!

and I went on an adventure this week the vets and to the beach plus we have some news on Reggie the Hedgehog to tell you so come back tomorrow to see and hear all the latest News


  1. What nice presents, Speedy!

  2. That was a pawsome present. Looks like u had fun

  3. teeeheeeee.....Speedy, you are well-loved!!!! What a pretty tube to TRY to get yourself into....I think only your head may fit!!!!! I remember watching one of your wild American cousins outside my window one day; he was trying to enter into the neighbor's downspout which is a large tube......he backed out immediately!

    Enjoy your new toys little man!

  4. Cute video, Speedy, of you enjoying your new tube. Those are some nice gifts!

  5. Oh dude, those are some FABulous gifts!!! I loves your tube...treatie vestibule AND a chew toy! BOL! You are one lucky bunnie!
    Ruby ♥

  6. Those are some nice presents. Have a wonderful weekend.
    Sue B

  7. You sure got some nice goodies Speedy!!!

  8. That tube is a pretty sweet toy, S. In the video, it looks like you're trying to eat it a little bit. It probably tastes like all those yummy treats! Have fun!

    Love and licks,

  9. You did score! I hope you gave that v.e.t. "What for!"

  10. Looks like that round toy will be a lot of fun for nibbling, rolling around, and hiding treats.

  11. Well done, Speedy! Looks like great treat, that's so nice of your auntie <3


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