Sunday 28 May 2017

Sunday Selfies....We're Back!

Hi Everyone Yes you guessed it we are all safe and sound back at home after our vacation!And Boy did I miss you all!I hope you didn't miss me to much while I was away at Uncle Colin's!

I did miss Home and Mummy and Daddy and Yes I let Uncle Colin know too as I would thump my feet a lot....hehehe!I did get plenty of cuddles and Spoilt but the first week the weather was just pawful and couldn't get out side in the garden to play but this last week the weather was perfect so I wasn't so grumpy!Any way Thanks to you all for visiting me while I was away!So here is today's Selfie of me at home in my sleep den this morning!
It's going to take a bit of time to catch up with you all but we will eventually but boy it's good to be HOME!

We are Joining the Cat on My Heads Sunday Selfies


  1. I'm so glad you are back! I know you must have missed your human lots - and vice versa!

  2. Wonderful selfie. Just purrfect for today. XX Kris @ SoPurrfect

  3. Speedy, I can see it in your face that you are content that mum and dad are BACK! WHEW, I am so glad they are safe and sound, and that you are too! Thumping at Uncle Colin's, hey? Now now Speedy, you be a good boy (I know you will)....

  4. Glad you're back home, Speedy! I love seeing your photos :)

  5. Remind me-just who are you?

  6. We are so glad you all are home and normal can find you soon. Great selfie Speedy!

  7. Glad you're back, Speedy, safe and sound. Vacations are nice but homecomings are the best. Great selfie in you sleep den!

  8. You are our favourite Bunny pal, and it's awesome to see you back home. What a great selfie to start us off with too!
    Purrs, ERin

  9. WOO HOO!!!! Yur home Speedy!! Mee missed you sumfing pawfull mee furend!! An LadyMum missed Aunty Rachel an Unccle Nick all so...
    Our weather was ALOT like yurss an icky! Now it iss nice an warm an sunny an mee iss out inn Condo communin with Nature aka Freddy Sparrow an Charlie Chipmunk.....
    Mee just posted mee Sunday bloggie so can Aunty Rachel linky mee uppy if shee iss around? Fankss Speedy...yur fotoss' are luvley all so.
    ~~~~head rubsss~~~~ Siddartha Henry~~~~

  10. Wonderful selfie, Speedy, nice to see you back ! Purrs

  11. You sure gave us some super selfies, Speedy. That must be because you are so happy to be back home.

    Woos - Misty and Lightning

  12. So, how goes it, Speedy? You got your hoomin back :-) <3 yey! And, of course, we missed you ;-) <3

  13. Yay for being home again! Here's hoping you have less to thump about now that your routine is back to normal.

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  14. Welcome home, S. You're looking gorgeous as always.

    Love and licks,

  15. Awesome selfie, Speedy! Welcome home! :)

  16. OMD/OMB! Speedy, dude, I missed you terribly! I am so glads everyone made it home safe, and you can make your peeps feel real guilty, so they will gives you extra snacks! BOL!!!
    Ruby ♥

  17. So happy you are back home and I know you are too! There's just no place like home even if you are being spoiled and loved somewhere else.

    Hugs, Teddy and Angel Sammy

  18. Hi Speedy! We bet you're glad to be back home. Your selfie is very handsome this week.

  19. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay welkum home!!! vaykayshuns ar fun and all i gess but their is no playse like yore own bed with yore own mama and dada!!! ok bye

  20. There's no place like home! Welcome back to everyone.


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