Thursday 25 May 2017

Wish I was here!

Still down the sitters are you missing me?Have these posts helped you not miss me so much?I hope so...
Wish I was here too!


  1. It looks like you are incarcerated.

  2. I hope your humans return soon and you can go back to doing your visits!

  3. speedy dood....we haz mizzed ya....ewe haz been gone for 98 yeerz dood....hope ewe R doin aye oh kay N tell mum ta hurree home !! ☺☺♥♥

  4. Speedy, of course we miss you :-) No worries though, your hoomin will be back soon to administer proper headrubs :-) <3

  5. I'm confused. If you're not here, were are you?

  6. I miss you Speedy boy! We are watching a Netflix series, "Escape to the Country" - a wonderful show in England! We were watching Schropshire last night and I thought of you....

  7. Somebody misses you!!! (Are they feeding you well?)

  8. Of course we miss you Speedy.
    I am that your humans will be back soon.


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