Monday 22 May 2017

Disapproving Bun Day...its still me!

Yes its me again,hope you're not missing me to much....
          "This is what I think of being down the Sitters!"

We always need photo's of your disapproving bunnies so send them to us at [email protected]

 And Don't for get to hop on over to Disapproving Bun for their latest stars!


  1. Man . . . . at least we are just stuck with our Man while Lady is away.

  2. Thank you so much for my birthday card!
    Lily (& Edward)

  3. You can't disapprove of yourself.

  4. Speedy, we always enjoy seeing you.
    But you look sad. Hope that your Mum and Dad will be homme soon.

  5. will bee bak soon.... & we ALL MOST
    had misstur naybor hood dizz a prove in on film again...then him taked off afturr another bun !! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Hopefully all will be back to normal soon Speedy!

  7. Speedy my buddy you always make me smile, purrs

  8. It will soon be over. In the meantime, eat well.

  9. Speedy, you look so dejected with your nose buried in your paw. I bet you're missing your Mom & Dad. I hope you're not making your pet sitter feel like she's not doing good job. I'm sure you're getting lots of love.

  10. Haha those are some really cute pictures of disapproving bunnies. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Gosh, Speedy, you're a wonderful disapprover! You always carry the day so well! <3


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