Sunday 21 May 2017

Sunday Selfies wish I was here!

Yep its Sunday Selfies time with The Cat on My Head Blog Hop...
Wish I was here too!Are you missing me yet?


  1. There's no sense answering your question of you're not there.

  2. I do miss you, Speedy! Tell your humans to hurry back!

  3. Still missin all of youss'!!
    Soon youss' will all bee home an wee can mee-yow again. Yur selfie iss pawsum Speedy; just like you!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  4. I was missing you, until I came by and saw your handsome bunny face today. :-)

  5. That is such an incredibly beautiful selfie, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning and Misty

  6. We always miss you when you're away, Speedy!

  7. Of course we miss you - and I know you miss your humans too!

    Love, Teddy

  8. Hello beautiful boy! Mum will be home soon.

  9. Yeah...I hope they will be back soon, Speedy😘❤😻

  10. That's a wonderful, dapper side of you, as always :-) <3


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