Sunday 25 March 2018

Sunday Selfies and Mickey the Hedgehog Update!

I know I'm posting my Selfies post a little late today but that's because I got to go on an adventure today!Mummy said today was going to be the only really decent day weather wise for a while so we should make the most of it,and that is exactly what we did!She bundled me up in my carrier and packed a few things is a bag and off we went.....

That was so much fun today!

Now for a little Update on Mickey the Hedgehog!Hes fully awake now and is Chowing down his dinner every night even when the weather is horrible so he made it through the winter!So that is great news for us!We will keep you updated on the little fella so don't worry about how he's doing.


  1. Great sunny selfies. I am glad your hedgehog is doing well. XO

  2. Love your selfies. Looks so beautiful. Have a great week.
    Sue B

  3. It looks like you had a super time! YAY for Micky the hedgehog!

    The Florida Furkids

  4. What a cool adventure, Speedy! And thanks for letting us know how Mickey is doing.

  5. That looks like a great outing, Speedy. Great selfies! :)

    Hooray that Mickey made it through the winter, and is eating like a champ.

  6. A sunny day at the beach, what could be better ? It looks like you had great time. Nice selfie ! We're glad to hear that Mickey is doing well. Purrs

  7. Oh Speedy boy, HELLO! I've missed you! You look as darling as ever in your little blue coat as you inspect the gorgeous coastline. Give mummy a hug for me! Good to hear that Mickey is thriving.

  8. Beautiful skies, sunshine, soft sand, and the beach - that was a great adventure for you, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Looks like you had a fun adventure, Speedy! Good news that Mickey is up & about too.

  10. I'm glad you had a good out n' about Speedy, you look terrific! I'm glad Mickey is doing well too.

  11. Mee-you Speedy yur a 'Beech Bunny' fur sure!!! Iss still so chilley here mee not even aloud out fur a walk :(
    Hurrah fur Mickey makin it thru thee winter! Well dun Aunty an Unccle!
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  12. You have some of the most wonderful skies at the moment, when the sun is out they are truly inspiring and blue. I wonder if there are any mouses in those dunes as they sure look a wonderful place to run and play and pounce, if you a cat that is MOL Sending a 2018 hello for Mickey, and hopes that the weather stays good for the spiky dude now he's up and about.
    Toodle pips and purrs

  13. I think you are what is called a 'Sand in the Sun Bun,' Speedy! Tee hee hee! I hope you had a fun time with your mom. I wish I were there with you!

  14. Hey Mr Speedy! You look wonderful out on the beach! Do you dig in the sand? I know that I would! I love digging in my litter box. And I am glad that Mickey is doing well. Such wonderful news. I hope spring comes soon!

  15. Speedy what a beautiful day you and Mum had in the sun and sand under that gorgeous blue sky
    Hugs madi your bfff

  16. Great news about Mickey! I am relieved and as for your lovely trip out?!?!?

    OOOH Jealous :-)

  17. Looks like you had a great time


  18. Good news that Mickey is doing well.
    More great photos of a handsome Speedy enjoying a scenic outing.

  19. Hey Speedy! This is one FABULOUS post!!! LOVE your beach excursion!! How cool is it that you get to go to the beach?? We have a secret...we, too, are going to the BEACH!!! In a couple weeks!! WooHOO!! We so enjoyed looking at these beautiful photos!!

  20. Wonderful adventure, Speedy! Glad you were so kind to take your hoomin with you ;-)

  21. Looks like it was a lovely beach day Speedy. Hope you had fun.


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