Friday 2 March 2018

We Have Snow!

We what a surprise we had been having freezing temps from the "Beast from The East" and then Yesterday we was hit by storm "Emma" which brought snow as it hit the "Beast from The East" with High winds.....who am I kidding its gales we have with the snow we all decided to stay in side.The storm will pass over tonight and we are having more snow today after the weather men said it would turn to rain at midnight last night.....seems they were wrong it will turn to rain tonight instead.Any way here are some photos from yesterday as it was coming down..

Mum said the wind was making it drift so some areas on the patio had little bits and others had a lot more...

This was at about 4.30pm last night.The snow was the dry powdery stuff you get when its below freezing which is why the wind was blowing it all over the place.We will get more photos to today.Any way Stay warm everyone!


  1. I hope the snow goes away soon so you can go on more adventures, Speedy!

  2. Brrrrrrr! Keep those paws warm Speedy!

  3. No snow here. It's only snowed once in 17 years.

  4. We hope those winds blow that snow our way:)

    Stay warm.

    Happy Dr. Seuss Day.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Very pretty, but I bet you are ready for Spring. I know our wild bunnies have been starting to emerge as the warm weather has come out. We were thinking we might get snow today, but mostly windy, rain and sleet.

  6. I hope you’re staying nice & warm, Speedy!

  7. dood...stay safe N warm two....we hope ya due knot get ice :(

  8. CHEEKY SPEEDY! Oh dear, that storm has been bad....on our east coast, it has ravaged the coastline and put many people in danger. STAY INSIDE!

  9. That's quite a bit of snow. We had a hail storm that left a layer of pea-sized hail over the entire yard. We had to go water it with the hose so it would melt and not freeze our plants.

  10. Wow, Speedy, you surely DID get some snow! Stay inside, and keep those toesies warm, okay?

  11. We got that storm too, and it was awful. We hope you stayed warm ! Purrs

  12. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow sno!!! i hav never seen it but trixie wuz kwite the fan!!! but it mite be a bit chilly for bunnies eksept for sno bunnies but dada sez sno bunnies ar not akchooally bunnies so i am just reely konfyoozd now!!! ok bye


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