Sunday 18 March 2018

Sunday Selfies with a bit of Brrrr....

Hello everyone I hope everyone had a great day yesterday celebrating St Patrick's day.I know I did after we all headed to my Pub Down The Rabbit Hole where the weather is always Perfect!In reality we had this....

Thankfully it didn't settle but everything froze and we woke up to this!

we are suposed to get more later this morning but we shall see.....where is Miss Spring?This is not much fun for Mr Mickey the Hedgehog when he's fully awake now.Good job mummy is putting his dinner out every night under the shed!

 So today's Selfie is from a couple of years ago when we had a nice spring day
Lets hope this will wake Miss Spring up soon!


  1. Hope Spring comes to see ya soon!

  2. Yeah, where IS spring? I'm glad your human is looking out for Mickey. I bet he is not happy with Mother Nature right now.

  3. That's a great spring selfie, Speedy. I had a good time at your pub yesterday.

  4. Speedy the snow bunny! Isn't this crazy weather???? I saw that it snowed in Paris too! We are having a long winter, typical for Minnesota, however, we started getting used to shorter, warmer winters in the last few years. Oh my friend, we too are looking for daffodils, forget-me-nots and peonies. The day will come!

  5. Speedy, you always look so pristine and white, and way better than the pesky snow we keep having and have at this very moment. Keep warm and enjoy a Sunday snooze
    Toodle pips and purrs

  6. We are waiting on spring too, and we hope it comes soon, because some of us are tired of being cold. Your selfie has made us feel better, though! :)

  7. We've been havin' cold weather lately, too. For a while there, it was milder than normal, I think, and I had high hopes for an early spring. Well so much for that. MOUSES!

    Speedy, you know what Peep #1 planted last night? Lettuce! It's inside, of course. And it's not as good as nip, OF COURSE. But I thought with you bein' a bunny and all, you'd be interested in the growin' of lettuce and all that. PURRS.

  8. That looks way too cold Speedy but you look terrific!

  9. Great selfie ! We're waiting for spring too, and we hope it comes very soon ! Purrs

  10. So you have snow. I think that somebody stole Spring. Last year, same date, the cherry tree was beginning to blossom. This year he is far from blossoming.
    I like your selfie. You look great with green grass and flowers.

  11. Mew mew mew Speedy that snow was supposed to come to Canada....seemss it gotted lost inn transit!
    Iss still berry chilley here an sum weak Sun butt not much fun to go fur a walik inn!
    Yur selfie iss pawsum tho'! You all ways briten uppy our werld mee deer furend!
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~

  12. The leprechaun was frozen to his pot of gold.

  13. That's a very nice flashback selfie, Speedy. But you know, we do love that snow - and we have NONE:(

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  14. We had too much snow today and it is still snowing on and off now. Time for it to stop. Enough is enough!

  15. Nice selfie!! We hope your weather warms up soon.
    The Florida Furkids

  16. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay that duz luk a bit brrr!!! the old pikcher luks mutch kozier!!! i shoor hope spring gits the memo that it shud be arriving soon!!! ok bye

  17. That weather is crazy, Speedy! We are glad you had that warm-weather selfie from a few years ago to share. :)

  18. We have the same weather, Speedy and we're waiting for at least a little bit of sun between the snowing😸Adorable Selfie❤ Pawkisses for a Happy Monday🐾😚😻

  19. I hope your spring comes soon. We've had lots of rain recently, which we really need. But I do prefer warm sunpuddles.

  20. Speedy, we love your spring-time selfie. We have rain now but it is supposed to change over to snow later, and here it is the first day of spring. We have snow in the forecast for this next Saturday as well. Hope everything has melted for you now. Poor Mr. Mickey. Hope he can stay warm. Thanks for being our official "hopper." XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  21. It was a snowy St Patrick's Day here in London too :)

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  22. That sure is icky weather you were having. I sure hope you aren't having to go out in it, Speedy. Mom says it's been raining here like "cats & dogs," but I sure don't see any anipals falling from the sky. Hugs! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  23. To be honest, Speedy, I wish we could get some of that proper Brrrr, here. It's getting hot already :-(


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