Friday 3 August 2018

Hello one and all!

Its been a busy time lately for mum,and she got a bit bogged down with it all and a bit down in the dumps.I've been spending time just chilling with her and giving snuggle and of course playing with her to try and cheer her up.Hopefully she's out of her funky mood now so we can get back to doing the fun stuff!
                                          See you soon everyone!


  1. We have all been there Speedy. Give your Mum a good snuggle and will see you whenever.

  2. speedy...dood...grate ta see ya again; yur lookin handsum az all wayz thatz for sure ! :) ♥♥

  3. Hooray, see you soon Speedy! That’s a wonderful photo!

  4. Down in the dumps??? She could have come to us for (im)moral support.

  5. Speedy, I think you're exactly what your Mom needs right now.

  6. Sounds like you've been doing some therapy bun work, Speedy! I hope things improve for your human soon.

  7. Darling Speedy, give mummy a nose hug for me, OK? Tell her she is a beauty, a sweet lady, and that moods come and go like the clouds. The sun however, is a powerful force, stable and never moves. She can always count on the sunshine to come back. Much love to you!

  8. Speedy, fais-lui de gros calins de notre part! Moi aussi j'ai du être garde malade d'Yveline pendant plus de 7 mois! profitez bien de chaque moment passé ensemble! et si il faut aussi chaud qu'ici ,n'oubliez pas de vous mettre à l'ombre et surtout vous hydrater!A bientôt.Leeloo, le petit lapin du Nord de la France (qui a maintenant 11ans et demi et est en forme) et Yveline

  9. We totally understand. Good job taking care of Mum, Speedy. :)

  10. Speedy, please take good care of Mum. Everything is going to be really, really wonderful.

  11. I think you're dong a great job, Speed. You've got to take care of them hoomin servants, you have a great one. Sigh, these are the bun days of summer, but that shall pass as well. Hugs and snorgles my friends <3

  12. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry to heer that yore mama has ben a bit boggd down and under the funk and not in a disco way!!! i hope she is bak to feeling funky insted of funk-y now!!! ok bye

  13. Mee-you Speedy pleeze give Aunty Rachel mee LUV an sum ~~~head rubsss~~~ frum mee to cheer her uppy!
    LadyMum has been inn thee dumpy all so aftur 3 'seizeys' last week. Mee been 'on duty' a lot with her....
    Such high maintenance Mumma'ss, mew mew mew…..
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx


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