Sunday 12 August 2018

Sunday Selfies Throwback!

Hi everyone is Sunday Selfies time and Today is my Dad's Birthday so we are doing a throwback self from my holiday last year in Cornwall last september

The weather was nicer back then sunny but a little chilly today it's rainy so we're chilling watching the TV,Hope you all are having a great weekend.


  1. An excellent combo selfie there Speedy and dad. Heres hoping you all have a great day and birthday party!
    Toodle pip and birthday purrs

  2. Beautiful selfie. Have a great week.
    Sue B

  3. What a special photo! It's always nice to have a nice photo with our parents.

  4. Happy birthday to your dad, Speedy! We like that throwback selfie. :)

  5. Happy Birthday to your dad ! Purrs

  6. Happy Birthday to your wonderful Dad!

  7. That is a fun photo Speedy. Happy Birthday to your very special Dad from all of us.

  8. Well a happy birthday and just a nice kick-back day!!!

  9. Nice selfie, Speedy! I hope it clears up soon so you can go on more adventures.

  10. beautiful! a dad and his bunny!

  11. AWWWWW! You and dad...that is precious. Good to hear you are having rain!

  12. speedy....dood....a most happee birthday two yur dad N heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz N healtheez ~~ :) ♥♥

  13. Lookin pawtastick Speedy an Unccle Nick!!! Wee hopes you had a wudnerfull Birthday Unccle.
    ~~~head rubsss~~~Purrince Siddhartha~~~

  14. Speedy you look so much like my own rescue bunny Curtis here in Missouri! Hope your dad had a great birthday! Mine is this Friday and I'll be spending it with my own crew of fuzzballs! Hugs!

  15. Speedy you look so much like my own rescue bunny Curtis here in Missouri! Hope your dad had a great birthday! Mine is this Friday and I'll be spending it with my own crew of fuzzballs! Hugs!

  16. Cute selfie. Happy Birthday to your dad.
    Sue B


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