Sunday 5 August 2018

Sunday Selfies

Hello everyone its Sunday!So its time for Sunday Selfies ,so here I am while I'm having cuddles and pets with daddy....

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Happy Sunday, Speedy!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. you're looking very handsome Speedy...

  3. Didn't the Jefferson Airplane sing about a pink rabbit?

  4. Aww, them looks great cuddles, truly, and you sure look well, Speedy, top o' the world!
    Toodle pips and happy purrs

  5. Cuddless with Unccle Nick sound pawsum Speedy! Yur Selfiess are berry kewl. Mee hopess you not inn a *heet* wave as wee are again...LadyMum an mee mite move to thee Ar-tick if this heet keepss uppy!!!!
    **nose rubsss** Siddhartha Henry xXXx

  6. Those are some awesome snuggles, Speedy, and fabulous selfies!

  7. Speedy, these are some pretty terrific selfies. What a wonderful thing to have cuddles from your dad. Thanks for being our official hopping hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  8. Ahhhh, yes, yes, Speedy, you have that look and you know we're very berry jealous! Good on ya, mate! You deserve each and every headrub <3

  9. What a cute selfie, Speedy!

  10. Daddy cuddles are the best.

  11. Wonderful selfie and a fun time too Speedy!

  12. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay is their ennything better then cuddels and pets with dada??? wel i meen of korse beesides cuddels and pets with mama??? ok bye


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