Monday 15 February 2021

Speedy is home

 Speedy is home, a little dozy but he was only sedated with local anesthetic to do the surgery. The vet said that he was a very good bunny. We'll give a full update tomorrow. 


  1. We're so glad to hear he is home and doing well.

  2. We are so glad Speedy is home. Rest well and feel better quickly Sir Speedy.

  3. Thank goodness Speedy is home. Of course Speedy was a very good bunny - we would expect nothing less from our beloved pal. XO

  4. I'm glad to hear that Speedy is home and doing well. Sending healing thoughts.

  5. Healing rnergy and much love - Louise, Sofie, Charles, Noel, Nine, Stella, mini and Mom ig

  6. He is the best bun EVER. Chin nuzzles.


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