Sunday 21 February 2021

Speedy's Road to recovery update

 I was going to post this yesterday but I decided in the end to wait till today. Don't worry no photos of the Abscess today. After yesterdays cleaning and this mornings clean of the abscess I have to say it did look a little better. There was very little puss this morning which has to be a good thing. 

To start the cleaning process I mix up a little salt in very warm water and soak Speedy's foot to soften up the area so I can get in there with a cotton q-tip ,once I can clean it out properly I then dab it dry with a towel and spray Vetericyn into the hole and fill it up, using a new q-tip I clean it out again to make sure there is nothing mucky left it there and then re-spray the hole again and just leave it to dry.

Vetericyn is antibacterial and anti fungal so will help to kill of any nasty microbes in his wound. I have to say it must be working because Speedy's using his foot more, though it is sore and he holds it up at times to rest it, he is using it to balance when sitting ,eating his food and go toilet and he does walk on it too.

So for Speedy's play area in the kitchen and in his sleep den I did change his bedding to help keep the foot clean. His Litter tray in the kitchen I just line it with a puppy training pad and put some hay on one side for him to eat. In his sleep den I lined the pen with a towel and an old sheet and put some puppy training pads at one end for him to pee and poop on and at the front some hay for him to eat. Rabbits need to eat a lot of hay so he has to have hay in his sleep den and in his litter box in the kitchen, we want to keep his tummy healthy.

So far nothing is getting into the wound so this seems to be working

So I will leave you with this photo of Speedy relaxing this morning and give you and update in a couple of days time. Again thank you for all your well wishes for Speedy


  1. I am glad Speedy's paw is improving. He does look very content.

  2. ... lookslike you're making progress, Speedy. Pee-pads were the life savers for Mr. Bun when he couldn't use his pee bin anymore. It's a lot more work, but that's why we're here, Speedy. You'll be thumping with all four before you know it ;-)

  3. Speedy, its good to know you are doing better, and your staff is ever so good to you, making sure you have all the comforts you need.

  4. We sure are happy to hear there is some improvement. We love you Speedy.

  5. Oh, We wish you a speedy recovery, Speedy (no pun intended)!
    As We say in Hebrew: "Refua Shelema Umehira" (A full and swift healing)

  6. Speedy, you look cozy. We hope you continue to improve.

    The Florida Furkids

  7. It sounds like a five star hotel with room service.

  8. You are a very good nurse and a wonderful Mom. Speedy looks pretty content there, and we must say he is a tough bunny and a good fighter.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  9. Daisy Mae and I are really glad Speedy is improving. Pretty soon you'll be thumping like never before in no time.
    Crystal And Daisy Mae

  10. We're so glad that Speedy seems to be doing better! We will keep on purring and praying for his continued recovery. Hugs to you both.

  11. The care Speedy is receiving is amazing, you are the best thing that ever happened to him, for him ... he will surely be 100% himself with time. And in these photos, he
    looks amazing already, and adorable as always!

  12. I am so glad you are doing better sweet Speedy, we're sending purrs and pawsitives your way.

  13. Furabuluss set up Speedy! You look so so comfy-cozy there! Aunty Rachel yore a furabuluss Purry-medic taken such grate care of Couzin Speedy.....
    444 pawss UP!!

    Unkell Nick was guud to heer yore voice again...LadyMew wuud LOve usch fancy sheetss!
    Aunty you made LadyMew'ss wiat month, no wait yeer so far!! Thanx fore lettin her mee-yow to hsee iss smilin :)
    Rest lotss an eat yore nomss Speedy an heal soon Okay??
    **purrss** an ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an ((huggiess)) an <3 LadyMew two

  14. More healing purrz in Speedy's direction. Glad he's doing better.

  15. Thanks Speedy for that nice Selfie. Your Mom is taking really good care of you and we wish you a speedy recovery Speedy

  16. Yay! Such encouraging news on Speedy's paw healing. Sounds like he's being cooperative with you tending to his paw.

  17. A lovely positive selfie and it looks as though your paw is on the mend. Thank goodness for that. Keep up the good healing Speedy!

  18. Speedy! You look wonderful! We are so happy to hear that you are doing better. We hope Angel Nellie is not getting in the way, she loves her Speedy. We will continue to Purray and we send love, virtual hugs and strength to your Peeps. We love you speedy and we hope you have a pawsome day!

  19. Speedy looks comfy. He is in my prayers. XO

  20. I'm glad to hear there is good progress with Speedy's healing. I'm continuing to send purrs his way.

  21. Speedy, you are such a patient bunny as your momma treats your ouchy. And your momma is a very good nurse. Hugs and wishes that you will soon be jumping and running and have full use of that foot again.

  22. My momma used Vetericyn on Jesse's spider wound a few years ago and it helped heal him so nicely. I admire Speedy for being such a good patient. You are in my paw prayers. Hugs! Dori

  23. speedy...dood !!!! lookin good buddy and we iz BUZZED happee ta lurn yur doin way better and we hope bye weekz end yur pawz compleet lee heeled .... ♥♥♥ we will eat sum hay in yur honor....well, maybe a perch ....howz that sound :) ♥♥

  24. Hurrah for Speedy ! Purrayers and POTP continue !

  25. We're glad to hear Speedy is doing well and are keeping our paws crossed that he continues to improve.

  26. AWWWWW bless little Speedy! Here's hoping for a SPEEDY recovery!

  27. Speedy!!! We're so sorry to hear about your foot! Lexy and I are sending lots and lots of healing purrs to you for a full and quick recovery. We love you, our friend.

  28. praying that Speedy is still doing well and I am so sorry I wasn't able to get here sooner! xoxo


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