Tuesday 16 February 2021

Speedy Update:The Road to Recovery

 Speedy came home last night after only having a sedative and local anesthetic for his surgery. Because Speedy is such a well behaved bunny the vet decided to on that rather than putting him out. When we got him home he would only eat from our hands and just wanted to have sleep cuddles till bed time.

Then at 3am we checked on him and gave him more cuddles in bed with us but by 4.30am we were giving him his Meloxicam as we could see he was in pain and not happy. We have spent all day feeding Speedy from our hands and giving him lots of cuddles. By 4pm this afternoon he started to eat his hay and his greens on his own.

This was Speedy eating his hay. We took away his litter box and put puppy pads in its place covered with his bedding as he is having trouble getting in and out and keeps banging his foot....which must hurt a bit so this makes things easier for him and tomorrow I will pick up a cardboard box to cut down and use as a little box in the kitchen so he can just hobble in and out without hurting himself.

So far he hasn't tried to chew his dressing off and tomorrow we take him back to have his foot checked and a clean dressing on with a possibility of going back on Friday and every couple of days for new dressings. There is a possibility that the vets may let us change the dressings with only a check up once a week depending on how good the wound looks. This is going to be a long road to recovery for Speedy assuming it heals properly....if it doesn't then he may lose the foot. Trying to be Honest and upfront about his chances and its 50/50 right now. I'll update you tomorrow after his checkup.


  1. We're sending POTP for a quick recovery! What a good boy Speedy is!

    The Florida Furkids

  2. potp captain speedy and all our good thoughts fly over the channel to you...

  3. Healing love and lots of cuddles for a speedy speedy good outcome - Dogdaz

  4. At least the initial recovery is doing OK. One day at a time. We will keep our paws crossed for Speedy to make a full recovery.

    Hugs and Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. We are all sending non-stop prayers to you dear Speedy, we love you.

  6. We're glad to hear Speedy is feeling better and have our paws crossed for a full recovery.

  7. I'm sending lots of healing purrs to Speedy. At least he is in good hands with you caring for him while he recovers.

  8. Speedy! We are so happy that you are doing well! We will keep up the purrayers and sending you extra special healing vibes and have asked Angel Nellie to watch over you! We also send you pawrents kitty kisses, virtual hugs and strength. Have a nice day sweethearts. Your happiness is our happiness!

  9. Prayers for a quick recovery and lots of cuddles sent to Speedy from sunny Florida.

  10. Sending so much love and POTP for Speedy and you. Like the OP Pack said, one day at at time, right? XO

  11. To hell with everything else, cuddles from loved ones is the best cure.

  12. Speedy is getting some special healing purrz. I hope he heals and keeps his little bunny paw.

  13. Poor Speedy. We are sending good thought your way. Knowing how well you care for him, he couldn't be in better hands. Hopefully the healing process goes well and his foot won't need any further surgery or amputation.

  14. We heard about Speedy's surgery and came to offer our purrs and purrayers for his recovery. We're sending our best healing vibes from our part of the world (eastern Ontario, Canada).

    Derry and the biped

  15. We are sending you lots and lots of AireZen and healing vibes, Speedy, and hoping that you feel better soon.

  16. sending snuggles and purrayers from all of us,
    Charles, Maggie May and mommy, Anna

  17. We are sending sweet Speedy every bit of love and hope and positive thoughts we can muster! I'm sure he's not understanding what on earth is going on but that paw of his HAD to be super sore before the surgery and of course now as well. He's such a good and strong boy though so we just know he will be FINE with time!!!

    Love and Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  18. WE sure have all of our paws crossed for Speedy and that he makes a full recovery. Sending lots of little hugs to him. We just know he will make it through this.

  19. Sending Speedy a ton of healing prayers.

  20. Dear sweet Speedy, we have all our paws together that you'll soon be back to hippity hoppity days just like the old times and all will be well again!
    Love and gentle hugs, JUNE and Ann

  21. We're keeping our paws crossed for you, Speedy <3 Get well soon, you can do it. And hugs to your hoomin, this is tough and so scary.

  22. Dear precious Speedy...we are sending tons of POTP for your foot and hope your recovery takes its cue from your name...S-P-E-E-D-Y.
    With loving hugs and tail wags,
    Monika, Norman & Elsa 🐾

  23. Lose the foot? Not if I have anything to say about it.

  24. Speedy I pray your paw heals fast and no more surgery needed. It must have really hurt walking on an abscess.
    Sweet William The Scot

  25. OH, our darling Speedy!!!! We are so sorry for his paw troubles and hope that soon it will heal and there won't be any complications. I"m sure that changing the dressings help. Maybe nibbles of Vit E?
    Poor little bunny, but I'm betting on him coming through with the good snuggles you give him. Love from Loulou

  26. We are sending our good buddy Speedy all the very best for his quick recovery! We hate that he is going through this, but he has the best mum! ❤️

  27. Oh Speedy, we're sending lots of healing purrs and nose bumps. Big hugs

    Luvs ya'


  28. Charlee: "Get well soon, Speedy!"
    Chaplin: "We Hipsters are sending you lots of purrs for a full recovery!"
    Lulu: "And I send fluffy tail wags!"

  29. Glad Speedy is doing better. Kitty prayers for a speedy recovery.


  30. You just do what the doctor and your peeps say and all will be well. I know you're going to do just that.

    Prayers for your speedy recovery. My best to your peeps. ♥

  31. Sending you soft kisses,& lots of prayers.

  32. Lots of paw prayers for a full recovery.

  33. Heal well Speedy, I know you will be hopping around again soon. Good bunny not have a general, shows how well cared for you are!

  34. We are sending purrayers and Power of the Paw to sweet Speedy and all his caretakers for a speedy recovery .

  35. Sweet Speedy,
    We are purraying for a quick and complete recovery.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto, Oliver & Lily

  36. We send Speedy tons of healing purrs and wish him a good recovery. Purrs

  37. I hope u have a Speedy recovery Speedy!

    Benji and (Angel Lassie)

  38. Sending purrs from Tango and Reiki from me. Lots of prayers and good mojo, too.

  39. Healing Pawkisses are on the way, sweet boy. Purraying for a speedy recovery🐾😽💞

  40. I heard about Speedy's situation and came over to offer my best wishes for his swiftest recovery. Such thoughts are coming from all over, I see. Speedy certainly has many friends, and we all hope he feels better very soon.

  41. I heard about Speedy's situation and came over to offer my best wishes for his swiftest recovery. Such thoughts are coming from all over, I see. Speedy certainly has many friends, and we all hope he feels better very soon.

  42. Speedy darling sending all kinds of healing hugs and wishes to you and your caregivers
    Hugs Cecilia

  43. Puppy dog prayers and Mom prayers for precious Speedy. He's a good bunny. We would have had that bandage off by now.

  44. Speedy, This is Peekaboo here and I’m putting my paw together for your recovery. I know you’ll be hopping happily and without pain soon! Purrs. xo, ~Peekaboo

  45. Speedy, This is Peekaboo here and I’m putting my paw together for your recovery. I know you’ll be hopping happily and without pain soon! Purrs. xo, ~Peekaboo

  46. I can't imagine Speedy having to lose his foot. I cross my paws that all the treatments are successful. Purr purr purr.

  47. Hang in dat Officer Speedy. Sending speedy healing vibes your way. You got da best nurse out dar (aka Mom) and will be hoppin around soon.
    Hugs and paw prayers,


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