Friday 19 February 2021

Speedy's Road to recovery: Warning it's not Pretty

 Speedy went back to the Vets today and had his dressing removed and flushed out. The Nurse said that it looks like there was still some necrotic skin on the edge of the hole they cut out and there was some puss which she flushed out. she gave me instructions to keep flushing it out daily and keep it clean as possible and leave it to drain out naturally and if there are any problems to get in touch.

Now if you're squeamish the I apologize now but I want to show and keep an accurate record of where we are with Speedy's paw and the healing process. So this is how it looks today...

It's not pretty is it? Looks pretty nasty but it is nowhere near as swollen as it was and I am sure it is very sore give how Speedy lifts his paw up but it can't be as painful...I hope it's not but pain wise Speedy in on his meloxicam and CBD oil so we can't give him more than that.

Tomorrow I'll post the changes to his bedding to minimize anything getting in to the wound. Thank you for all the lovely messages, I read them out to Speedy each day and appreciates every single one.


  1. Oh, Speedy, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Take it easy on your hoomin, if you can; she's trying to help you get well. Now, there is extra bunnanas in it for you, right? And a good, stiff carrotini every time a hoomin has to touch your paw? Keep us posted, and hang in there, we lobe you all berry berry much!

  2. I'm so glad that got drained little Speedy! Kisses for that precious paw! You've got this! You are gonna be fine! Slow and steady, baby, you'll get there!

  3. We're still purring and praying for Speedy. (((hugs)))
    The Florida Furkids

  4. Rachel we send lot of power to you and all da best wishes to captain speedy...

  5. Keep up the hard work .. hopefully over soon.

  6. Looks like you've made some progress with Speedy's paw. Hopefully it continues to heal. The body is amazing in how it can heal itself, and with your good care, he has the best chance.

  7. We are all sending tons of love and prayer to you Speedy, all day long.

  8. Poor baby bunny. Looks nasty but abscesses always are. Praying for a fast recovery.

  9. speedy...dood....YEOWZERZ buddy.....we understand de "air" kneadz ta get
    two yur paw sew it heelz...but at de same time ......

    we hope mum findz a good bedding materialz for ewe sew ya can rest up with out
    messin up yur foot ~~~~

    continmewed blessingz frum st francis ♥♥♥

  10. Just sending love to all of you, Rachel. There is nothing worse than experiencing the suffering of a loved one. Stay strong and trust that little bunny who has been through so much from even early on in his life to pull through for you and us.

  11. Just sending love to all of you, Rachel. There is nothing worse than experiencing the suffering of a loved one. Stay strong and trust that little bunny who has been through so much from even early on in his life to pull through for you and us.

  12. I am new to yor blog and heard about poor Speedy 's condition from Ann Adamas. That really dies look sore and we feel sorry for this bunny. Here's hoping your great care will work wonders for him. Will probably be better than the vet :/
    Sending hugs and purrs.
    Purrs, Julie and mum (Nancy)

  13. Poor Speedy.I am praying for him. XO

  14. Ouch! That does look like a painful wound! I'm sending lots of purrs for Speedy's healing.

  15. Rabbit's feet are supposed to be lucky not yukky.

  16. Dearest Speedy, Us here are purraying for you, even Cinnamon is purraying that you paw heals up quickly. Angel Nellie is there with you and tells us that you are being an incredibly excellent patient. We know that you have the best Pawrents to take care of a special bunny like you. Many whisker kisses, purrs and ear rubs. You are AWESOME!

  17. Oh dearest Speedy, may you get well soon under the love and great care of mummy.

  18. *covers eyes with paws* It makes my heart hurt to see Speedy in paw. My brofur Jesse was bitten by a spider a few years ago and went through this same awful process. Our hearts go out to you. Hugs! Dori and Mom

  19. We are keeping our paws crossed for you, Speedy. Your pawrents are doing all they can to make you feel better and we're sure you will be soon.

  20. We're so sorry and sad that you are going through this, Speedy and Mum. We continue to purr and pray for you both. XO

  21. Kisses for you and your paw in hopes that they help you heal.


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