Thursday 12 July 2012

Lennox the Belfast Dog may he rest free from persecution

How sad is it that in this day and age the a dog or any animal is judged on the way it looks.Lennox the Belfast Dog was destroyed after a 2 year fight to save him because of the way he looked which is a Pit bull type.Never mind that he was a well loved family pet who had never shown any aggressive behaviour that because he fitted the profile of a type of dog purely on the way he looked and not on behaviour the officials in Belfast ripped him from his family and locked him up in a concrete cell all on his own with no love,no contact with his family and from reports that seem to be surfacing that he was cruelly treated and even suffered a broken leg.It beggars belief that those officials could treat an animal in such a way.And what about the family who owned him and the heart ache that they have been put through,and that little girl who loved him and was devastated when he was taken?Those officials should hang their heads in shame for the appalling way they have acted and when its time for elections maybe the people should think about what has happened to dear Lennox a loving pet who never hurt anybody was treated so poorly and think who's next to be treated in this way? Me?You?
Dear Lennox this is in memory of you a loved family pet who never hurt anyone no one can hurt you any more,Run free over the Rainbow Bridge your family will see you again!
Lenox Beloved Friend!


  1. I heard about this it is very sad that an individual animal or a breed is judged due to the actions of people. Pits only have such a reputation because some people trained SOME dogs to do horrible things.

  2. I have always had pit bulls and they have always been sweet protective and loyal creatures with hearts of gold and the mildest temperments. They loved baby kittens and baby birds and the only danger any child around them would be if they had food and the dogs would happily steal from them. lol. I never talk about judgement in the next life, but God will have His say in the end for people who are cruel to animals, the elderly, children and the weak.

  3. you know people go on about so called dangerous breeds but the is no such thing as a dangerous dog or bad dog its the owners that are bad or first job was as a mail delivery person and I met many dogs on my rounds one was a chihuahua called cherry she used to sneak up on you and bite your ankles nasty little thing,then there was 2 rockwiellers (got the spelling wrong)one didn't like uniforms and he would be kept in the other one was called Max and he was a bit intimidating because he was a big dog and you see that running and take a fly ing leap at you well scared the hell out of me but he was you and was looking to play and once I realised that he want attention we got on great every morning he knew what time I was comming and he would half hanging over the wall looking down at me barking his hello and as I climb the 50 steps up to the house he would be all excited because he new it was time for a cuddle and scratch there I was all tuckered out from those steps up the cliff trying to get my breath and Max was there leaning against me for his cuddle.But out of the dogs on my round the really nasty dangerous dog was Cherry the Chihuahua which nobody did any thing about because its so small but let me tell you being bitten by that dog was very painful and it just goes to show you can't judge a dog on the way it looks

  4. Yup. I never had a chihuahua before the one I have now and she is a little terror. Her main form of communication is growling and she is just 6 months old! I have never had a dangerous pit bull, though. I did have a chow mix that recently passed away and he was unpredictable and vicious! He looked all calm and peaceful while he walked up to strangers then would just attack. Like a shark! He HATED mail carriers. I guess there must be some squirrel DNA in mail carriers and he could sniff it out. He hated squirrels, too. I can't tell you how many times he got pepper-sprayed by the mailman! And that did not even stop him, it just made him all the more mad. I got letters from the post office several times telling me that if they have to deal with him one more time, I would have to go to the post office to get my mail AND he could be taken in by animal control. He had to be shot with a tranquilizer gun once because animal control could not handle him once when the mailman called them. I came home to blood all over my porch and had to go through a whole mess to get him back. And the animal shelter labeled him a pit bull! I said he is a CHOW and looks NOTHING like a pit bull. They said he ACTED like a pit bull and I said NO he is acting like a CHOW. Buttheads.

    1. something about small dogs always temper-mental must be to do with being small that they have to over compensate with aggression,though they needn't bother with that silliness with me give me a big dog any day or better yet give me Speedy He's such lovely fun chap,love him to bits

  5. Hi Rachel! Sorry the internet has been glon and off all week....but I've been following this story and it made me incredibly sad to hear of lennox's fate. He never deserved any of that..I wish he could have just lived the rest of days with the love of his family. Must be soo scary and depressing to be ripped away from the people you love. I agree that it's not fair to label a whole breed! People don't like discrimination, yet make laws to discriminate against animals just because we think we are the supreme species...I've never met a pitbull I didn't love, and yes I've been bitted by a chihuahua too..those little things are crazy! Just wanted to agree with you! Rip lennox, I'm sorry humanity failed you...ugh makes me so sad!

  6. I am behind (somehow you aren't showing up on my bloglist--going to go try to fix that when I finish here)

    I am so sorry to hear about Lennox. It doesn't matter whether it is animals or humans, stereotyping just brings disaster. I just hate it when innocent animals are the unfortunate victims of this kind of mindset. Bless you, Lennox.

    1. Hate is a bad thing and it creates this kinda of sterotyping


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