Wednesday 18 July 2012

Update on Speedy's recovery

Oh Happy Days Speedy is Back to his cheeky self,He played properly today he binkied around and played with his paper balls and general fun.And he has been eating like crazy and he's been doing lots of poops and peepee's.Oh Happy Days!


  1. Oh, awesome! I know you'll keep him safe from those cats from now on. You should send him to a self defense class for bunnies! :)

    1. We all ways did try,cats weren't to much of a problem until recently.some new people have moved here and they all have cats and not jsut 1 they have 2 or 3 or more each,most aren't neteured and the owners have never worked and have always lived on the state,which means they get to much money from the state if they can aford multiple cats and other pets

    2. Oh, my! That combination doesn't make for good neighbors. So sorry to hear. I hope they'll move on shortly. Speedy has such a good home. He's healed up quickly, and I believe that's mostly because of the love he's had all along. If bunnies aren't stressed out before they get hurt, they seem to be calmer during the healing process. I suspect that is why these wonderful rescue operations have a hard time getting their rescued bunnies back to health sometimes. The bunnies never knew love before and never knew what it felt like to have a good place to want to live, so they see no reason to heal. Speedy knew he had it good and wanted to get back to his binkies and treats! I wish all bunnies knew what a good life was all about!

    3. yes I think you're right,he knows that we love him to bits and want him fit and back to his cheeky self

  2. Brave Speedy.
    Stoopid Ebil Kitteh.

  3. Hip! Hip! Hoooray!!!

  4. don't you love that the more your bun uses the litterbox the happier we are? Never have I appreciated regular bowl movements as much as I did after meeting Umbra.

    1. Oh yes and its good to see Speedy eating like there's no tomorrow

    2. yes, I feel bad for my bunnies... when they aren't hopping around like I think they should, I kind of quarantine them to their own litter box until I see some business goin' on!

    3. its the only way we really know that they are ok

  5. Its good to know Speedy is well again!

    1. Yes it is,Now we have to how well it heals and for the stitches to come out in weeks time

  6. Speedy is Speedy again! Yay .. now steer clear of cats Speedy. They are weird.

    1. Speedy is Speedy,well nearly but all is good now to finish cat proofing the garden

    2. I thought of putting one of those mosquito nets over the back yard, like I saw all over Boca Raton, Florida. I know a cat could rip through it, but it would cut down the chances of one just hopping in the yard. And, we have a bunch of huge hawks here in Texas. I haven't looked into how much that would cost, but I already have a fence around the yard and wire mesh under the fence to keep the digging down. If I put some poles up and draped the netting over the poles and attached it to the top of the fence, that would keep a great deal of unwelcomed visitors out. I would have to check for holes every day. Not sure if this is what you're looking for or not, but it's something that I've wanted to try.

    3. I can't do that,to much garden but I can put chicken wire up on top of the walls .cats will have a hard time trying to climb that they don't like thing to be to hard a work

  7. Glad he is doing better. Naughty kitties need to stay away.

    1. Quite right the Speedy house is a no cat zone apart from his blogger cat friends

  8. Replies
    1. Yes it is,I have to admit this did shake me abit

  9. YAY!!!! We are doing the SPEEDY HAPPY DANCE with this good news!! xoxoxo

    1. Yay me too,now we wait till the stitches come out

  10. Maybe Speedy needs a few large cat FRIENDS who are friendly toward him to patrol his back yard and keep the bad ones away? Or, maybe a nice couple of small-ish doggies that like him. I know bunnies and other animals can get along if they think they're all part of the same "pack."

    1. yes rabbits can get along with other animals with my first bunny I lived at home with my parents and we also had 2 cats and a dog it worked well caramel used to chase other cats away so he was quite tough and when I moved to here I never worried about him because he kept it up,but I'm not allowed any other pets the huby won't let me as he only likes buns

    2. Wow, good HUBBY! It's a good man who likes bunnies! :)

  11. Yay for Speedy! Glad to hear that healing progress continues.

    1. yes now we can call him Speedy for that to,a speedy recovery...hehe

  12. Glad you are on the mend Speed.

  13. Maybe get Speedy a loud recording of a large dog in a barking frenzy to play when the cats come around. But a roof would probably work better.

    1. the new fencing with chicken wire should do the trick


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