Sunday 29 July 2012

Mum went Hay hunting with Dad

Yesterday Mum and Dad went out in the car and left me at home!No Fair!
But it ended up being OK as when they came back they showed me what they had been doing.They had been to Farmer that they knew,as he had just harvested his hay field,a Meadow hay field anyway there was lots of hay still lying around the field that had been missed by the baler and they were allowed to take what ever they had room for just for ME!So part of the shed has been turned into a hay shed to keep it nice and dry.The best part was I was allowed to help with the hay when Mum and Dad got home with it all!YIPPEE!What Fun!


  1. HOW FUN! Oh, Rach, no pictures??? I would LOVE to see a crazy happy Speedy going nuts on all that hay! That would be great to do here, but I am telling you, it is SO hot! Five minutes in that heat and you would be wishing God would make it rain Gatorade.

    1. sorry but we had to beat the rain other wise it would have been a wasted effort but just imagine us tossing and turning the hay with Speedy leap around and then me nearly falling on my butt,I think even Speedy was laughing at me as he had a strangely amused look on his face..hehehe.and now the weather is cold and showery after a lovely warm sunny 10 days or so with no improvement for at least another couple of weeks maybe?

  2. Lucky you, Speedy--fresh hay is the best thing for bunnehs!

    1. And its the first cut to as we have had so much rain

  3. Hay, hay, hay, fun for you! Hope you are healing up pal!

  4. How FUN! And so very deserved as you are being a good wee patient and healing up nicely right now. YAY! xox! ; )

  5. Speedy, you are a lucky bun. Enjoy that fresh hay.

  6. man! I wish we had awesome farmers who give away hay here. I can't even find one who would sell me any, not that it matters because they all grow alfalfa =[

    1. you could grow your own if you have a big garden,I have some timothy hay mix seed to do that

    2. sounds like a great idea. I'll have to look into it.

  7. Hmmm,
    Me would nots get too excited about hay, but then me is not a bunnie. However, if yous made a nest in it, me would snuggles with yous!

    1. hehehe....ooh snuggles from Nellie*giggles Speedy*

  8. Oh Speedy what fun!!!!!!!!!! Did you make a comfy new bed with it?

    1. Mmmm mum and dad put some in my pen afterwards,I snuggled and played in was so nice better that the stuff they had been bying all though that was good

  9. Hay, Hay Hay! Good work. A shed of first cut is a very good thing, eh?

  10. You bunnies have ALL the fun.
    Glogirly NEVER brings me hay.
    I just get "HEY KATIE!" ... it's not the same.
    ; ) Katie

    1. But katie you get bags of swag from blogpaws,us bunnies don't get that


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