Thursday 15 August 2013

And now the wait has started! UPDATED!!!!

And now the wait has started!I dropped Speedy off an hour ago at the vets,while I was waiting for the nurse to admit Speedy we had one last cuddle with him settled on my tummy and my arms wrapped around him.Speedy was such a good boy and the nurse's and staff are already in love with my baby boy,so he will get lots of cuddles.And so I wait now for the call to say he's OK and awake.....

So to let you all know Speedy has had his surgery and is awake and eating!
Chris our vet (The Eye Vet) said that he is dazed but is awake and eating but wants to keep Speedy over night to make sure he continues to eat but he went for the parsley in his salad that I left for him with a small bag of his pellet food but I as I had know idea that he would be there over night I only put a small amount of his pellets in a bag so I guess the vets will give him some other stuff too.
I am glad that Speedy will be there over night as we have a wedding to go to later and means now that I will be able to go to now with the hubby because I was going to stay home to look after Speedy and if there is a problem Speedy is in the right place as they have 24hr nursing care.Speedy will be home tomorrow but we will call the vet later to see how he is doing....Don't worry I keep you updated!


  1. Wishing you all the best, Speedy. Purring for you little buddy xox

  2. Thinking a lot about Speedy and you. Good luck.

  3. Oh my goodness. The waiting is the worst!

    1. it is Brandi,I'm in a quiet panic at the moment,xx Rachel

  4. We were just on our way here to send Speedy our best wishes and love. Mommy will be checking in often for an update.

  5. My thoughts are with you and sir Speedy! I just came over from Rasberry Rabbits and I am a huge rabbit lover!

    Bless you all. Anita

    1. Thank you Anita,for you visit and kind thoughts,xx Rachel

  6. Xeti hate's the vet!!!!!! Lots of luck Speedy, your blog is so great, we follow you! That's Xeti's blog.

    1. Thank you,I'm sure Speedy will love to get to know you when he's home,xx Rachel

  7. Awww, Speedy... we are purring and praying for you. We're so sorry you have to have surgery on your eye, but we bet it will feel so much better soon. You're a brave little bunny.
    Katie & Glogirly

    1. Thank you Katie and Glogily,he is a very brave bunny,xx Rachel

  8. We hate the waiting. We know how awful it is and how time drags on. Paws crossed and we are praying all will be OK. Do keep us updated.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. We are sending up prayers for you now my cute little friend. We love you! XOXO - Bacon

  10. We are thinking of you here.

  11. We knew today was it, we shall wait and pray with you, please post when our little mate is out,

    RA, Isis & Nanük

  12. So great to hear of the update, fingers crossed he'll continue to do well.

  13. YAY! We're so happy to read such a positive update on Speedy. Way to go, buddy! :) xoxo

  14. Wesley and I are sending much love to Speedy's speedy recovery from his surgery xxx :)

    1. Thank you so much and for coming to visit,xx Rachel

  15. YAY! So glad Speedy is out of surgery and doing well. That's a huge relief.

    Jules of Canines & Couture

  16. Yay, Speedy!! And have fun at the wedding tonight, Rachel!!

  17. You all have a very good time at that wedding, and if you should happen to see a familiar face hopping along behind the young person who may be wastefully scattering flower blossoms every which way, just whisper to not eat too many and wait in the the closet for the cake. May the Guest who turned the water into wine at Cana, bless this couple with an everlasting love. I know they will always cherish your beautiful gifts. AJ

    1. Thank you Jane,has anybody told you how wonderful you are?xx Rachel

  18. What a wonderful relief to know that Speedy is doing well! He'll make a great pirate.

    Oskar is doing much better today too, I can't keep him still, he's like a totally different dog, which is good, but bad since he's supposed to be resting.

    Have a great day,
    Pam & Oskar

    1. I guess I have that to look forward to too!Take good care of Oskar,xx Rachel

  19. Purrs and more purrs.. as we wait for Speedy to come home..

    Glad the surgery went well.. may the recovery go even better

  20. It's so good he's doing well! Xxx keep it up cheeky Speedy! Xoxo ♡♡♡

  21. Thank you so much for the update. I've been wondering about my buddy. I'm glad he's eating - that's a great sign. XOXO - Bacon

  22. I am sending lots of healing purrs to Speedy! I hope his recovery is as swift as his name!

  23. Yay Speedy! Sounds like he's doing well. Some rabbits just will not eat at all after surgery so that's good. I'm sure they have food for him there. We always kept plenty of hay and pellets at my last clinic. Get better soon Sir Speedy!

    1. trouble with Speedy he's fussy and he know what he want's,xx Rachel

  24. Mick and I are gathering travelling supplies.
    1. Eye patches
    2. Skull and cross-bones flag
    3. Carrot rum
    4. Snacks

    Ready when you are Speedy. (Let us know if you need any other supplies.


  25. Can't wait to hear he has completely recovered! Love you Speedy! :)

  26. Glad to hear that Speedy is awake and eating and hope he is soon home with you tomorrow. Chris is my vet too, for everything not just eyes, and mum says he is very good, but you have to understand his dry sense of humour, (which she does.)

    1. yes he does hve a great sense of humour and I love that,xx Rachel

  27. Yay! I am so glad Speedy is doing so well after his surgery :) It can be tricky to get rabbits eating again right away!

    1. yes it is but I'll move heven and earth to make sure he gets what he want to get him fit again,xx Rachel

  28. Sending lots of love and healing purrs to Speedy. Such a brave little one.

  29. Sounds good so far, hope he makes a 'speedy' recovery :-)

  30. Awesome!!!! I'm so happy that Speedy's surgery went so well! :)!! <3 Lots of hugs to you both! Francesca

    1. I just can't believe how well it went,xx Rachel

  31. P.S That is horrible that you recieved a rude comment on your blog. I'm sorry to hear how mean some people can be!

    1. It was just mean it was crude and disgusting and I won't have that when children read this blog too,I guess its one of those things,xx Rachel


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