Sunday 4 August 2013

Thank yous and a prize!

Yesterday I had some nice things sent to me the first was from Nellie from Cat from Hell ,this lovely Graphic to say Thank you to me for her visit but I say THANK YOUS NELLIE!

And in the mail was this fab book that I won over at Mollie and Alfies Thanks for picking me!
This me falling asleep to mum reading the book to me!

And when we are finished with the book we will pass this book on but not yet!


  1. That must have been such fun to have Nellie come visit. She is a lovely lady. That book looks terrific. Have a great Sunday.

  2. Looks like a good read. We hope you have a serene Sunday and take some time out for some big easy today.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. I am enjoying having mummy read to me,xx Speedy

  3. Sounds like you had a GREAT day! That's wonderful!!! Looks like you'll be in for some readin', too.


  4. I would make sure it was a bit dog eared before I passed it on. Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  5. Oh, Mum reading Speedy to sleep. It is so sweet. I do have one question. Did Nellie forget her bowl or did Speedy win it from her in a poker game? Rachel, it better not have been a poker game.

    1. I have two of them for Speedy as water bowls its difficult to find one's that are the right size with bunny stuff on them and these used to belong to my last bunny Thumper,xx Rachel

    2. Speedy we have a bowl that says cat on it too!

    3. Jane I do to,xx Rachel

      Well they are just the right size too,xx Speedy

    4. I have a DOG bowl! Sigh!

    5. Well Cocoa and Daisy and Cress the size of the bowl has to be just right,it doesn't matter what it say's,xx Rachel

  6. Nellie sent us one too. Will post about it later! It sure was fun :) You'll enjoy Pam's book :)

    1. Hehehe Nellie is the best,I love the book so far,xx Speedy

  7. That is a very nice gift Speedy and you and Nellie look so cool together!

  8. We love that picture of you flopped on your side. :)

  9. We didn't know bunnies slept on their sides. Now we do! :)

    1. hehehe sometimes what every takes our fancy,xx Speedy

  10. Me is so furry happy yous likes my picture of yous and mes! It was a fabulishious visit and mes will bes back fur sure! Mes has readed that book! Me wishes that Sammy's Mommy would writes another one!

    1. The picture of us is fab Nellie and mummy just loves you too,xx Speedy

  11. Very sweet pictures today Speedy :) I think it's a great idea to pass the book along.

  12. Aww so cute! Good idea to pass the book on and I hope it is well enjoyed!

  13. What a adorable pic of Nellie, and Speedy! <3

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks Michelle,they are both lovely,xx Rachel

  15. You sure had a great time together.
    I'm sure you'll just love Sammy's mummy's book :-)

    1. Thanks Misaki,I love the book so far,xx Speedy

  16. YAY Speedy! Great prize and I am so happy you had such a great time with Nellie! Love, Cody

    1. Nellie is just great fun to be around,xx Speedy

  17. The photo from you and Nellie is so cute!
    She has to come back, I can see her bowl in your cage :-)
    Greetings from the Luna piggy!

  18. Speedy, Brandi has had some company, too. You'll never guess! Look under Voices for Rabbits.

  19. Speedy, how are you our hoppy pal? What great prizes! We hope you've been well!

    ~ Coccolino the mini pig

    1. I'm ok,my eye has been naughty,but we've missed you,xx Speedy

  20. Yow ya iz such a lucky bunneh!! Ferst a bizit frum sweet Nellie n den da book we all wanna read!!! Ya are da MOST deservin bunneh!!!
    Hope ya picked up yer award frum me Sunday bloggie..da loyal reader one cause ya iz da loyalist bunneh me nose!!!
    Lub Nylablue n SherriEllen

    1. oh I missed that I'll have to go through it again,xx Speedy

  21. How sweet!! And you are so adorable sleeping on your side there. Aaaww - XOXO - Bacon

  22. Have I said recently that this beautiful bunn named Speedy is my nephew? I don't want anybody, especially him to forget. And I don't want to see his good name tarnished by the tall tale telling that Racer has been doing at Houseful of Rabbits. And, Speedy, there is one little bunn there whose feelings may have gotten hurt. He seems a bit pouty about the whole affair. Maybe next time he could be invited?

    1. Of course Auntie Jane next time I'll go get him my self to make sure,xx Speedy

  23. Those are great surprises! You are such a good flopper! That is an amazing sleepy bunny flop! Good job! :) XXOO

  24. Speedy, Auntie Brandi's son, Josh is in the hospital. He has been bitten by one of our truly dangerous spiders. Please visit Voices for Rabbits. Auntie Jane

    1. Mummy and me have already been ,its awful Auntie Jane,we hope he's going to be ok,xx Speedy

    2. You are right, Speedy. You and Mummy had already been there. I guess my eyes were not working. I hope he is going to be okay, too, Speedy. I wish we could all be snuggling together and encouraging Auntie Brandi.

  25. Speedy, Have you heard anything from Brandi?

    1. No Auntie Jane,we haven't but I guess Josh must of had a rough night,Mummy did have her cellphone no. but when she broke her phone she lost some of her numbers so we can't try ringing her mummy said she's going to check some of her old bills to see if she can find it that way,xx Speedy

  26. Thanks, Speedy. I hope you are feeling better, too.

    1. Auntie Jane!Mummy's found Auntie Brandi's No.she said she will try calling her this afternoon as its a bit early,xx Speedy

    2. Jane I spoke to Brandi and she's going to post some photo's Later today,Josh is going to be ok but its going to take time,But you can see for your self when she does her post,everybody is tired though,All we can does is send her and her family lots of love,xx Rachel and Speedy

    3. Oh, Rachel and Speedy, Thank you so, so much!

  27. Nellie and you looks so good together. You are one sweet and lovely wabbit! Bedtime stories are so important.

  28. So sweet! Our mom is having a hard time not Squeee-ing at you napping. We convinced her to be quiet. purrs...

  29. Speedy, KB, is walking into a closet...ALONE!

    1. SPeedy has told KB to give him a shout if he needs any help and he will come to help.xx Rachel

  30. Replies
    1. No change it now a waiting game to see if it will heal up,we have to use the gel for another 2 weeks but the cracks will never heal up but as long as we keep the pressure under control that won't cause to much trouble its the ulcer that's the problem and I have a suspesct we will end up having to make the the call on the eye and have it removed I have talked to Speedy's dad about it,its very frustating to have the improvement slow down,xx Rachel

    2. I am really sorry. I have really appreciated your positive compassion for your friends in all their suffering lately. I so wish Speedy weren't going through this, too. Know that you and yours are in our hearts. Jane

    3. we don't have to make the call yet but I can see it coming I just have to get Speedy's dad to see it too,I guess I have always been able to make these sort of choices when it come's to my bunnies dad on the other hand finds it harder,he's a bit of a softy and he gets broken hearted but it not like Speedy is terminally ill,we do have options Not great one but it will make SPeedy better and we can always have a cheeky Pirate House Bunny can't we?xx Rachel

  31. We're just doing a bit of catching up.
    Love the photo of you sleeping to the sound of Rachel reading to you. I remember a certain trip in the moving thing when Melon read me her notes on postmodernism... Or was it modernism? Anyway, no wonder I went to sleep!
    Also love your comment about the possibility of having a cheeky pirate house bunny - that's the spirit!

    1. Hehehe ,Thanks Cocoa,you do make me giggle,xx Speedy

  32. Oooh too cute Speedy! We are still recovering from our pirate adventure. What a wonderful book, especially if Pam wrote it!


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