Sunday 11 August 2013

Speedy is going to have Surgery!

The Time has come to decide do we keep trying to save Speedy's Left eye or do get Speedy's eye removed after talking about it this weekend and there has been no further improvement in the healing of the eye So we have decided that the best thing for Speedy is surgery ..... This will mean no more eye drops or eye gel and no more pain killer to stop it from hurting once he has recovered from the surgery.
What is the point in trying to save the eye when he can't see with it and it is causing him pain....there is no point.I don't know when it will be as I will talk to the vet tomorrow about the cost and when it can be done.
So once he has recovered Not only will Speedy be The Cheeky House Bunny but he will be A Cheeky Pirate and Buccaneer too!


  1. That sounds like the best solution. I once had a cat that had somehow badly damaged his eye. The vet tried to save it but it didn't improve and it was obviously painful. We had it removed and it totally changed his life back to being relaxed and playful again.

    1. thats what we think about Speedy,he will be much happier than he is now which is quite Happy but it is hurting him,xx Rachel

  2. We agree too, and I know Speedy will do just fine, Speedy is very special and we will be purring and praying all goes well.

    1. Thank you Brian,we're keeping Fingers crossed and paws crossed,xx Rachel and Speedy

  3. The surgery is probably the best option for Speedy. I'm sure he'll feel a lot better once the painful eye is removed. Let us know once the surgery date is fixed.

    Love you, sweet boy!

  4. This sounds extreme, but it will drastically IMPROVE his quality of life!!!!!
    ARRRGGGGHHH! Speedy will look like a real salty dog pirate!!!

    1. Its the only thing to do now,and yes he will make a fine pirate bunny,xx Rachel

  5. purrs. May the vet do all that is possible for the greatest good for Speedy. May Speedy heal quickly when all is said and done.

    1. Thanks Connie,we are praying for good out come,xx Rachel

  6. Poor Speedy. Good luck with the surgery. But one thing is sure: you will stay the cutest of all rabbits.

  7. I used to know a cat with one eye and three legs and it was happy and friendly, though not allowed outdoors.

    Good luck with the surgery and hope Speedy recovers well and speedily

    1. Speedy will still be able to go out once he has recovered,thanks Juliet,xx Rachel

  8. All our prayers and warmest husky woooos for our furiend Speedy!

    RA, Isis & Nanük

    1. Thank you Ra,Isis,and Nanuk,this means a lot,xx Rachel and Speedy

  9. I am sure that Speedy will be much better after the surgery, but the humans worry quite a lot about these kind of things! Good luck Speedy. I will be purring for you, buddy xx

    1. Aww thanks Austin mummy is a worry wort...hehe,xx Speedy

  10. Oh Speedy... Well, if your eye is hurtin', we can't have that. And if you can't see with it, there's no reason to be in pain 'cause of it so... your mom and dad are doin' the right thing. We're all gonna be purring for you... LOTS! You can count on that.


    1. Awww thanks Nissy,I will be happier when its gone,xx Speedy

  11. I am sending purrs Speedy's way! If the eye is hurting him and it's not getting better, it's best to remove it for sure.

    1. Thank you Sparkle you're a sweetie,xx Rachel and Speedy

  12. Oh my sweet boy. Sending lots of light, love and happy wishes your way for you and your Mum. Auntie shell

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Shell,love you,xx Speedy and Rachel

  13. We're purring for Speedy and hope all goes well with his surgery.

  14. Tough decision to make, but I'm sure Speedy will make a cute pirate. Surgery was never an option for Weasley, because of his age and infirmity. Speedy is young and strong, so hopefully this will have him sailing the sea in no time at all!

    1. He will be a cute pirate,and I'm sure he will do fine,xxx Rachel

  15. I think you are doing the right thing. If he cannot see out of it, then removing it will just make one less thing to get infected or hurt later. I had a blind golden retriever---she got around so well and never ran into a tree..knew just when to turn a corner! and she had NO eyesight--at least Speedy will still have a good eye....and lots of love from you and family! My best for sweet Speedy.
    Lee in Texas

    1. Thanks Lee,he's going to be fine I'll just worry until its over and Speedy is at home,xx Rachel

  16. Oh Speedy, you will look super cute with an eye patch. Sounds like a good decision. Sorry Speedy has to lose his eye, but at least it won't cause him pain anymore. He will be fine without it.

  17. Oh Speedy! me could not believes how happy and cheerful and like a puppy my old hairy slobbery sister Bob was after they removed her eye! There is different options (for dogs), like glass balls the vet can puts in so it looks like their eye is just closed, and stuff like that, but we asked which would be the easiest and fastest to heal and that was just getting it removed (along with the tear ducts) and stitched closed. It only took 3 weeks for it all to be healed up!

    1. Awww thanks Nellie I guess it will be the same for me too,xx Speedy

  18. Hey Speedy! I am sorry you are having some troubles but rest assured you will still have a great life without the painful eye. We will be thinking of you and watching for updates sweetie pie.

  19. We are so sorry Speedys' eye can't be saved but it sounds like the best solution. Our paws are crossed for Speedy and we hope it all goes OK.
    Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  20. Well done Speedy's mum for making the right decision! ♡ We hope Speedy recovers quickly. Our owner once knew a rat with one eye and it was renamed PiRat. You will be a handsome buccaneer Speedy! Don't be scared Speedy, after all we are sure you will be a very brave boy. Hugs and kisses sent your way Speedy and Rachel, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
    Lots of love from Daisy, Cress and our owner
    Get well soon ♡♥

    1. Thanks Diasy and Cress,I shall do my very best to be brave,xx Speedy

  21. Hope everything goes well! Keep us updated!

  22. We think you have made the best decision. Poor Speedy having to go through the surgery but he will be fine. We shall call you Captain Speedy :) Keep us posted and we are thinking of you xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe thanks Mollie and Alfie,xx Speedy and Rachel

  23. Speedy, we are purring to you, sweetie!

  24. oh precious speedy!!! We are hoping that you have a "SPEEDY" recovery and send you many prayers and kisses!

  25. Speedy, you will be the most awesome rabbit pirate ever! I hope you wear a cute little eye patch. When Fuzz was going blind from his cataracts we were given surgery as an option but decided against it. I did some reading on the internet and lots of people said that their blind rabbits did just fine. I know you will too, because you are so CHEEKY.

  26. AH... poor little Speedy, give him loads of luv from us and loads of luv for mum too.... xxx

  27. Love to Speedy! And, don't worry little sweetie! Your mum will make sure you are safely home again to recover in no time!

  28. Yow me dearest Speedy me n Mum are purrayin fer ya n yer Hu'Manz. Diz must bee scary fer all of ya to deal wif!!! Me nose ya will adjust to havin one guud try nit to bee scared n have furfaith all will bee well.
    Mum purromisez we check yer blog daily to read reeports n find out how ya are...
    Mum wantz to nose if we can haz yer mailin address purrleeze??
    Mum'z email iz [email protected].
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen xoxoxoxoxo

    1. Awww thanks Nylablue,it is scary but I'm sure I'll be fine and then we can go on our adventure,xx Speedy
      Mummy has sent it to you,xx

  29. We love you, Speedy. We are just waiting to hear more. If Mummy has any questions, remind her of our Austin vet who specializes in bunnies. Mum's got a lot on her mind, but please tell her her artwork is, as always, breathtaking. Love, Auntie Jane.

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Jane,Chris will be doing the surgery and he's the eye specialist,mummy say's thank you,love and kisses Speedy

  30. We agree with your mom and think you'll be much happier if your eye didn't hurt you all the time. Sending purrs that all goes well and that soon, we'll see that Pirate Speedy! Purrs....

  31. Oh Speedy, what challenges life is throwing at you. Good job you have such a dedicated mum to face them with you and look after you. Big healing bunny-hugs from all of us. x

  32. Oh Speedy - you will be Speedy the Cheeky Pirate Bunny. Gaarrrr!!!

    I am glad that your human is doing the best thing for you and I know you'll make a "speedy" recovery - cause come on - that's a given! Keep us posted and we will keep you in our prayers!

  33. AWWWW!!! I'm sorry to hear it's come to surgery but if it's going to make Speedy feel better, it's the right decision. I hope he has a very "speedy" recovery!

    Jules of Canines & Couture

  34. Good luck to Speedy and Speedy's mum! I'm sure he will adjust well and be happier for it.

  35. Oh what a hard, hard decision. Good luck and lots of crossed paws and fingers here!

  36. Sounds like its the right decision. hope it all goes well, keep us posted. And when you're all better we'll dress up as pirates to celebrate Speedy the pirate king :-)

  37. Oooh Sounds fun a party,thanks Misaki,xx Speedy

  38. Poor sugar I'm so sorry that he has to have a surgery, but it sounds like the right choice. I hope Speedy has a fast recovery we all can't wait to hear when he is better! hugs

  39. aaww Speedy ((HUGS)) my friend. My human daddy can't see but maybe 10% out of one eye and not out of the other at all and he gets along just fine. I have great positive energy flowing your way during your upcoming surgery and recovery. We all must have a party once you are feeling better. Love you little one - XOXO - Bacon

  40. aaww Speedy ((HUGS)) my friend. My human daddy can't see but maybe 10% out of one eye and not out of the other at all and he gets along just fine. I have great positive energy flowing your way during your upcoming surgery and recovery. We all must have a party once you are feeling better. Love you little one - XOXO - Bacon

  41. aaww Speedy my cute little friend ((Hogs and Snout Kisses)). I'm sending you healing thoughts and a quick recovery. We most definitely need to have a party once you feel better. XOXO - Bacon

  42. I think you're going to feel lots better once that eye stops bugging you, Speedy! Plus I bet you'll be really happy to be done with all those drops and stuff. I be saying special prayers for your surgery and super speedy Speedy healing!

  43. I have been (am still am) traveling and haven't seen your posts. Here's hoping Speedy will be a happier and healthier bun after his eye surgery.

    Go, Speedy!!

  44. A Pirate Bunny hey? That's gotta be a first for blogsville. Hope the surgery goes well.

    RooOooodles, Bobby

  45. It sounds like you had a tough decision and I'm sure this was the best thing for him! In the long run, it will save him a lot of suffering. So glad he's doing well xox


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