Friday 2 August 2013

We got Mail from Austin Towers at CATachresis!Me nomming the treat

Yesterday We had a Parcel arrive from Austin Towers at CATachresis we won second prise in his commentathon.A set of the Amazecat cards and Austin and his Mum sent me an extra surprise some nommy treats!
Thanks Austin!

This is so exciting!

Mummy are those treats for me?

Mummy open the treats Please!

Me nomming the Treats!
Hehehe and I got a bit excited as the treats smelt so scrummy in the bag that I couldn't wait to try them....Mmmmm and they were very Yummy!Thanks Austin and Caro!


  1. Hooray for you Speedy, enjoy those treats!

  2. Hey Rachel, and Speedy! How have you too been? It has been a while since we have last chatted!

    Thoes treats shure do look yummy, they look kinda like human cookies!


  3. two* (spelling mistake correction) lol!

  4. YAY - We all love treats. Way to go my friend! XOXO - Bacon

  5. Replies
    1. yes he is,the photos could have been better but Speedy was to excited,xx Rachel

  6. YAY! Glad you like the noms, Speedy! :) I was thinking perhaps you and your mum can play a game of gin bunny with the Amazecats cards?!! mol Have a great day :) xx

  7. You deserve it, little wonder rabbit.

  8. Nice one of Austin and glad you enjoyed the treats Speedy. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. Yay for treats and special mail deliveries! Happy Friday!

    Jules of Canines & Couture

  10. You lucky bunny Speedy! I might have to get a deck of those cards for my daughter. She would love them!

  11. Lucky boy, those look like yummy treats!

  12. Wow! That was super nice of Austin to send you those yummy yummy treats! Did you do a binky hop while waiting for Mom to open the bag? :D

  13. You are very lucky! What nommy looking treats! Hope you saved some to enjoy over the wheekend! ^_^

    Nutty, Nacho, Buddy & Basil

    1. Mummy is only letting me have one small bit a day! she said to much is not good for me*sigh*xx Speedy

  14. How awesome that you got TREATS along with the cards, Speedy!

    1. Awww thanks Sparkle,and thanks for visiting me,xx SPeedy

  15. Wow, Speedy! How cool! Congrats on your win!!

  16. Well done Speedy! You look so cute there!

  17. Congratulations, Rachel. What a very nice award. Speedy is so beautiful and so sweet. These photos give us a good idea of what you are up against as you try to cut back on his treats. He is so innocent and inquiring and patient. How can you resist? Please give my nephew some extra snuggles from me. When he finds out that you want a kitty, I want him to know someone still loves him. Auntie Jane

    1. Oh Jane silly,Speedy will always be no:1 even over his daddy which His daddy is always moaning that I love Speedy more than him,which is not quite true I love them equally its just that Speedy is my baby,as for a kitty thats not going to happen,and if I had my way I would have Lots of animals..more bunnies,cats,dogs,guinea pigs,hamsters,gerbils,Rats,as long as its fluffy I love them all.Humans on the other hand I'm a little more selective...they have to be very Special to have a place in my heart,like you,Brandi,Michelle,Karen,Lorna and my friends Megan (Maddy's mum),Lee,Ann and a few others I haven't mentioned

    2. Rachel, thank you for including me in such wonderful company.

    3. You are welcome Jane,but Speedy did enjoy his extra snuggles,xx Rachel

  18. What a great package you got there, Speedy. I see you even got a cool card from Austin. Enjoy those treats!

    1. Austin is one cool cat!and the treats are yummy!xx Speedy

  19. Super cool prize Speedy :) Nom Nom xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. They look lovely!

  21. Oh Speedy, you won such a super prise! Because of all the excitement you photos are blurry hehe :-)

  22. For a second I thought I read Austin Powers, then I thought the first picture was mini hamburgers in a package...I think im loosing my mind XD. I need to send you a treat soon Speedy just for being the wonderful bun-bun you are!


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