Friday 16 August 2013

Speedy is Home! Updated with photo's!

Speedy is Home!We just got home with him,and the nurses and Chris are really pleased with him ,all the food and hay I took in last night,is gone Speedy munched the lot and he is currently in his play pen munching on a huge salad and the first thing he did was jump in his litter box and pooped and finally did a huge pee,I guess he was saving the pee for home.I'll take some photos and post them a bit later so you can see him.....

Here are some photos for you to see of Speedy munch on his hay and of the surgery area.
And he just had a cuddle on the bed with me....and he was so happy he did his bunny roll and flop in my arms!
And here are a couple of photos from our friends wedding!
Cutting the cake!

Animation of cutting the cake(might not work for every browser)

First Dance

and a video of the first dance!


  1. Aww I'm so glad! Love you Speedy!
    Lots of love,
    Daisy and Cress xox

  2. YAY Speedy! Mommy sends you lots of kisses. :)

    1. Awww thanks Furries and to your mummy,xx Speedy

  3. Oh, Rachel, this is the best news! I am so glad that your baby is home and Chris is happy with his progress. It is 5 am here, and I can go to bed now. Lots of love, AJ

    1. Sleep well Jane and worry not,Speedy is safe and home,xx Rachel

  4. Nice one and now Speedy we say recover soon and we hope all will be back to normal ASAP. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That is great news! Welcome home Speedy!

  6. Yay, so happy Speedy is doing well. Sending you lots of piggy kisses!
    ~ Coccolino the mini pig

  7. It's so wonderful that Speedy is home and cuddling with you. Have a very speedy recovery, Speedy. And if Jensen and Mick show up with eye patches and carrot rum, you should probably avoid the rum until you are off the meds.

    1. Hehehe ,xx Speedy
      I think its great too Karen,xx Rachel

  8. Good to see Speedy home safe! :-)

    Now Speedy - just because you are called Speedy that doesn't mean you have to be. You put those paws up and take it easy for a few days! x

  9. Speedy, sweetie!!!!
    I´m purring to you and I´m so happy to see you good in your home!
    Kisses and a nice weekend to you and your family!

  10. We're so happy Speedy's home and on the road to recovery! {{hugs}}

    1. Aww thanks and thank you for visiting me,xx Speedy and Rachel


  12. Yippeeeeeee!!! I'm so happy he's home and being such a good boy with eating and going to the potty. This is wonderful!

    Love your friends cake. How fun is that!

    1. Yes I loved the cake too,so glad Speedy is home,xx Rachel

  13. Yipppeeeeeee! So glad he is home and doing so well. Good boy Speedy!

    Love your friends cake. How fun is that!


  14. I am so happy he is home with you! With all the love and kisses, he won't be missing anything! :) Bless you and him! Such a precious baby! Thank you for doing what needed to be done to keep Speedy feeling good!

  15. Yay! Home is the best place to be! Lots of snuggles and a proper place to pee in. ;)

    Your friends' cake does look awesome--my niece had a cake-and-cupcake thing like that, with vegan cupcakes in three yummy flavors.

    1. to right the pee spot has to be right! ;)

      the wedding was fun too,theres video of the first dance on my youtube chanel,xx Rachel

  16. Yay! Home is the best place to be--lots of snuggles and a proper place to pee in. ;)

    Your friends' cake reminds me of the cake-and-cupcakes setup my niece had at her wedding--with vegan cupcakes in three yummy flavors!

    (Blogger is being wonky this morning, btw, so if this posts twice, it's their fault.)

    1. I know Blogger has been wonky with me too,xx Rachel

  17. Wedding pictures are awesome!! It looked like everyone had such great fun.
    Speedy - you are looking amazing my friend! I'm still sending you get well vibes and praying. Get better soon!! XOXO - Bacon

    1. Aww thanks Bacon,you're the best pal,xx Speedy
      The wedding was fun,xx Rachel

  18. I am so, so happy you are home Speedy and we send you our best purrs for a quick recovery.

    Hey Speedy, thanks for the kind words and well wishes for our Dad, he is already doing so much better!

    1. Thanks Brian and that's great news about your Dad,Now with both got to get better,xx Speedy

  19. I'm so glad Speedy is home and doing so well! I hope he continues to heal with no problems!

  20. Glad to hear that Speedy is home now. Hope he heals up really fast. Sending tons of purrs.

  21. Glad to hear that Speedy is home. Hope he heals up really fast. Sending lots of purrs.

  22. "So happy he did a bunny roll and a flop in your arms"...oh, Rachel, your little bunny boy is glad to be home and home seems to be Mum's arms.

    1. Yep and I'm gonna have another cuddle in a minute,I'll give him one from you too!xx Rachel

  23. Happy wooooos Speedy, rest well and get better soon!


  24. Oh glad you are home now Speedy!

    Do you have to wear a cone or are you leaving your face alone? It looks a little tender but I am sure it will feel much better in no time flat. Hugs and licks, Speedy. :)

    1. Nah no cone not that you can keep them on a bunny any how...hehe...but I am being good,snuggles xx Speedy

  25. Had a feeling he would adjust well. =]

    1. now he has to heal up,I was just worried about the surgery and him getting through it ok,xx Rachel

  26. I'm so glad Speedy is home and doing well!

  27. So happy Speedy is home, safe and sound. That photo of his missing eye just broke my heart, though!

    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. I know what you mean but it had to come out and once its healed up and the fur has grown back it will look neat and nice and fluffy and the most important thing the pain will be gone and no more treatment which will be better for him,we just need to get the next 2 to 3 weeks out of the way,xx Rachel

  28. Oh what a wonderful wedding cake! Now I wish to have a try!

    So glad that Speedy is such a hero and doing fine. Hope all is healing quick and well.
    Good thoughts for you Speedy!

    1. I know I loved the cake too!
      Speed is doing very well he's in the kitchen in his play pen in full bunny flop stretch on his side sound a sleep right now,xx Rachel

  29. Oh, my heart did a flip to see that eye of his all stitched up. But I know he will feel so much better. My sweet Speedy, I love you so much and wish I could snorgle you! But your mum does a great job at that and I know she gives you my love...

    1. I know I felt the same when I saw him in the vets the other night,Now he is being spoilt big time,xx Rachel

  30. Aw, good for you, Speedy, to save your pees for home! Soft kisses for your surgery spot. We can't wait for your furs to grow in! Purrs...

    1. Yess he will look much better when the fur grows back,xx Rachel

  31. So glad to know that he is home safe and sound!

  32. We're so glad Speedy is home! Now we hope he has a speedy recovery!

  33. Good on yer little Speedy.......... phew !
    He will be fine :-) That was a bit of a hairy day............
    Lots of luvs from all at Soggibottom Cottage and Freya Rose Blossom over at the catflap cavalier :-) PHEW ! x x x

    1. Yes it was but he's home and on themend so all is good,xx Rachel

  34. Oh my sweet Speedy! Sounds like he is doing fabulous! That's really awesome.

  35. Rachel, thank you for giving that baby a snuggle from me. Will most of the healing really be done in two or three weeks? Will you be giving him medicine or taking him to see Chris during that time? You might be interested in an article I was just reading. It said the cheekier the bunny is, the faster he heals. Does that sound right to you? I mean it was a scientific journal. There is a lot of questionable research out there, but I am sort of hoping they are right, because no bunny is cheekier than your Speedy bunny. Peace and love, AJ

    1. Hi Jane,Yes 2 to 3 weeks should be about it,Speedy has to see Chris on Monday and the Nurse on Friday of next week,and He is on Metacam twice a day for pain relief which will be cut back as the healing process goes on.You are probably right with the article....its a question of spirit higher the spirit the better they do and I guess cheekiness is a good measure of Spirit,a depressed bunny loses the will to eat and fight so it makes it harder for them.when I visited Speedy in the vets he was already doing well which surprised the nurses as there was a female bunny there who had some sugery and wasn't eating so they were going to syringe feed her with criticle care food as she was feel sorry for her self and low in spirit she's ok now but she had to have a bit of help.with Speedy there is no holding him back from tearing around in full play but I have to for a few days as we don't want him to bleed.but I will let him play abit to day just nothing to active like running up and down the stairs,but I know he will push that as he is a cheeky rascal,xx Rachel

  36. Rachel, BBC 2 has some special online TV for Speedy while he is recuperating. They don't let us see it over here, but it is Episode 1 of The Burrowers and a section of it is called Unveiling the Rabbit Warren. They have built a rabbit warren, but one side of it is glass. Someone named Chris narrates the series.

  37. Oh I saw that advertised on the tv this week we shall have to take a look,xx Rachel

  38. Welcome home Speedy,so pleased all went well and now Mommy can relax :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Aww thanks Mollie and Alfie and to your mummy,xx Speedy

  39. Hope you have a fast recovery Speedy. Hugs.
    Sue B

  40. Speedy we are soooo happy that you are home and enjoying your salad! We sure hope you are feeling better soon! We could see the first 2 photos but all of the rest were gone :(
    Sending you much love and many many kisses Speedy!

    1. Sorry its fixed now,every day Speedy a bit more like his old self,xx Rachel

  41. Me is so furry happy Speedy is home and is feeling better! Me was purraying that he would be A-OK!
    My hairy slobbery sister Bob says she can tells by looking at him that his headaches is gone!

    1. I believe you are right Nellie thank you to you both,xx Rachel

  42. Awwh---little sweetie! I was only able to view the first 2 pictures...i never saw what the eye area would look like,so this was educational. I know he was SOOOO Happy to be back with you!!! He always puts a smile on my face!
    Lee in Texas
    (in case you wonder why I sign like this, it is because none of those profiles I am to choose from below ever work! then I lose everything I typed! so it is just easier this way. lol)

    1. Sorry Lee its fixed now,I thinks we are all happy Speedy is home,xx Rachel

  43. So happy that he is back safe and sound and doing well.

  44. Speedy is blogsville's pirate! <3 <3 <3


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