Saturday 29 March 2014

A Rabbit is For Life Not Just For Easter!

Following on from our last post we continue with the campaign for rabbit awareness with the more serious side.                                      
                                        A Rabbit is For Life not just For Easter!

With Easter around the corner its time to campaign about parents buying a cute little fluffy pet Rabbit for their children for Easter.Owning a pet rabbit is a lifetime commitment and you need to ask your selves a series of questions first before you indulge the whim of your children by getting that rabbit:
Are your prepared to take care of the rabbit for 8 to 10 years or longer?
Are your children old enough to look after this cute living creature?
Are you prepared to clean it out daily?
Are you prepared to do research on the correct diet for a rabbit?
Are you prepared to play with your rabbit daily?
Can you provide a safe place for your rabbit to run about ,an area 10" by 10"square minimum?
Can you provide housing big enough for it to hop around?
Can you wash his or her bottom when they get soft poops stuck to it?
Are you prepared to get is neutered or spayed?
Are prepared to get it vaccinated and health checked?
Are you prepared to worm your rabbit against parasite every 3 months?
And when your rabbit is sick are you prepared to nurse maid it by syringe feeding it,syringe feed medication,even inject subQ fluids to keep it hydrated till it feels better?
Do you have a rabbit Specialist vet?
Can you afford to pay for everything a Rabbit needs?
And the most important question you need to ask your selves is are you children able to do all of this and be able to hold it with out causing injury to your rabbit?
And will you do all of this when you and your children get bored with their pet rabbit or think it is a horrible animal because they got bit by the rabbit because they can't take care of it properly?
If you can say Yes to all of the above then go for it you will have the most amazing fun pet to love.
But If you realistically can't say yes to all of these questions then don't indulge that whim from your children and buy a real fluffy living eating pooping mood swinging Rabbit for Easter!
Buy one of these instead:
This is a personalised soft Bunny from My 1st Years and is part of their range of Easter Baby Gifts they are supporting the campaign about Bunnies being for life in conjunction with The Rabbit Residence Sanctuary here in the UK with 5% of all sales from their Easter Bunny Collect going to the Sanctuary.
You can Also visit the Rabbit Residence own Blog Big Ears Tiny Tales here.


  1. Good morning my dear friends! Oh Captn' my captn' SPEEDBOAT! You are so wise and kind to post this, because these are very important questions one must ask before being swept away in love with a rabbit. We have always wanted a bunny, but we were very smart to attend a "HOPPY HOUR" event here in our city where bunny owners bring their bundle of joy to participate in an hour of fun. The rabbits are let loose in a big gym to socialize and get some exercise. There we met some very knowledgeable owners who gave us the straight facts about being a good rabbit owner. My husband and I walked away GRATEFUL that we learned that perhaps having a pet rabbit is NOT for us. We are awfully busy teachers, gone for most of the day, and we really could not commit. But we love these animals so much, and we can at least go once a month to watch these rabbits be silly and loved. When we go to the Hoppy Hour event, we come out with our faces hurting, from SMILING TOO MUCH!

    Big hugs to you my Captain, and to you dearest Rachel! Auntie Anita

    1. Now see you would be great bunny parents,but you won't always be busy teachers,so there is still time to become one,love to you Auntie Anita,xx Speedy and Rachel

  2. Such terrific information and we hope all the humans are paying attention!

  3. Thank good it's not modern to buy rabbits for Easter in Denmark. We buy chocolate eggs. Tastes good and do no harm to an innocent animal. Have a nice and safe day Speedy.

  4. We agree with Brian. As with all pets humans need to think about the commitment.
    Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. That is such a good post and we are so glad that you put all that info down. That list should be in all pet stores. Rabbits don't get a good break. They can make great pets.
    Have a great day.

    1. Thank you Marg,I thought about all the diferent things I have experienced with all of the buns I have had when I wrote this,xx Rachel

  6. Great info Speedy!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  7. That is all great info no matter what type of pet a parent might be thinking of getting for their child. Sometimes humans do things on a whim without thinking it through, and so this is all good advice. We hated to read about the bunny who was returned and blind. We hope it found a new and wonderful home. Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thanks my Kitty friends,you are so right,xx SPeedy

  8. This was a great post, Speedy - I shared on Twitter. It's important for people to know this before thinking of having a bun share their home.

  9. Lot of good and important information there Speedy. People need to think it through very carefully before buying a pet.

  10. I think that's a great list of questions to ask before getting a bunny.

    1. THank you Ann,we anted to show how difficult it can be looking after a bunny,xx Rachel and Speedy

  11. Very good post. They should have those questions at the pet stores or shelters. Enjoy your weekend.
    Sue B

  12. Aww poor bunny!!
    What a great list of questions to think about before you even think about getting a pet bunny.
    Great awareness post guys! Its great to see that you guys care so much. And you are SO right!! Bunnies are not toys, they are pets, and sometimes more then just pets, sometimes with some children or adults like you Rachel, a bunny is your best friend.
    I hope you have a great day!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀Happiness is Siamese!

    1. A lot of it is important for all pets but Bunnies are diffcult to look after,But one of the most rewarding too when you get it right,xx Rachel

  13. Good words! Loved the story how Speedy was named. We have a home-made-by-kids wooden "go cart" called Speedy - because it is fast going down hill!

    1. Hahaha I bet you had a lot of fun on that cart too,thanks RG,xx Rachel

  14. Oh we were very sad to read about Gypsy. Is she blind because of something her bad owners did? We so hope she can find a good home. Mommy had a lovely white bunny with pink eyes that she loved very much. His name was Happy Hoppy. He lived to be a very old bunny.

    1. I am guessing it was injured by its first owners ,but she is safe.
      I bet Happy Hoppy brought a lot of joy too,xx Rachel

  15. 444 pawz up Miss Rachel n Speedy fer diz brilleeant bloggie!!! Bet most peeple who buy a bunneh on impulse can not answer eben a pawfull of questshunz rite!!
    Phankz fer doin "Bunneh Awareness"!!! Ya iz pawtastick :)
    Lub lub lub Nylablue n Mum too xxx

    1. That is the reason for this post,xx Rachel and Speedy

  16. Great post. I need to get on the ball and do my annual "make mine chocolate' post..

  17. Great post Speedy...especially this time of year to let people know that a bunny is a family member!

  18. Very good points Speedy. One of mummy's friend got a rabbit for her son...but it was a 5 minute wonder and now mummy's friend has to look after it. It's all too common unfortunately

    1. yes it very sad to when that happens,xx Speedy

  19. Very good post Speedy! And Wooohoowooooooooo! Glad you are back! Nose kissies from Ku

  20. Thanks for providing us this thoughtful information. I hope I get a bunny as a pet one of these days.. (By the way Do you know if they get along well with cats?)...

    Best wishes, Rachel & speedy,
    Aquileana :)


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