Wednesday 5 March 2014

Disapproving Bun Day!

Its hard to believe the Wednesday has come around again so this weeks star is Mummy's Last Bunny Thumper.He was a black and White Dutch that mummy said from the day she and daddy got him till he was about 3 years old was a mean grumpy growling bunch who would give a good chomping just be cause he could and then all of a sudden he changed and be came a loving cuddle bunny but still gave a good chomping on those he didn't like or trust.Bellow is one of the first photo's taken of him when he was quite young.
                   " This chair used to be grandmas its now mine! "
This next photo is the last one taken before he crossed the rainbow bridge.
                         " What the Heck is this Mum..Dad..? "
And this one was the first photo we took of him as a baby!
                        " Where's My dinner?...I can't see it "

Don't forget we need your photo's of your Bunnies in their best disapprovel mode so please send them in to my mummy at [email protected]


  1. We have to even if he was grumpy thumper was very cute. Have a wonderful Wednesday Speedy.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. he was but in the end he was worth the work,xx Rachel

  2. Awww... He looks way too cute to be disapprovin'.


    1. He was a terror I couldn't do any thing with him as he would all was bite me but he came good in the end,xx Rachel

  3. I just love those dutch bunnies! And Thumper is so handsome!

  4. dood speedy...him lookz kinda like a tuxie kitteh !!! tho we iz all ways askin wearz R dinner two !!

    1. Hehehe he does doesn't he and I'm always asking too,xx Speedy

  5. We once had a Dutch when the kids were young. I think some are just they way they are for no other reason than they are all different. :-)

    1. Very true my first bun would chase cats ,this one was grumpy,and Speedy is well cheeky,yes they are all diferrent,xx Rachel

  6. what a handsome bunny Thumper was

  7. I didn't know bunnies could be grumpy! I thought that was only tortie cats. ;-)

    1. I'm afraid Bunnies can be very grumpy Thumper more than most and was a lot of work but his did be come a snuggle bunny in the end,xx Rachel

  8. I love that pic of him on a skateboard! How cool is that!

  9. He is (was) so cute ... and so elegant with his black and white suit.

    1. yes he was and he took the most amazing photos too,xx Rachel

  10. A bunny on a skateboard???? very disapproving !! haha! But oh so cute!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

  11. Rachel, Thumper is so beautiful. Thank you for sticking with him through those early years. Commitment pays off. I am glad to hear that he remained sensible and discriminating with other people. I do appreciate my kisses on the nose, but is it possible that Speedy is too trusting? You know that is an odd thing to say about a notorious pirate who who has also been on Disapproving Buns (or so you say). It is still hard to believe that was Speedy.

    1. oh believe me Jane Speedy can be just as grumpy at times and if he doesn't like you or doesn't like something he will soon let you know ,he's a clever bun,and Thumper well he didn't really like any body at first except hubby and it was a time when I was working all the time so he didn't se me much but then I changed jobs and less hours so Thumper had to get to know me I guess in the end he liked what he saw,xx Rachel

  12. So cute photos. Have a nice day.

  13. Wow, what a cutie! Hard to believe he's a chomper. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Furiend

    1. Oh yes made me bleed many times as well as others,xx Rachel

  14. He is so adorable. Love the skateboarding photo.
    Sue B

  15. Chomping or not, he sure was a cutie.

  16. We didn't know that there are tuxedo bunnies as well as tuxedo cats. Nor did we know that buns ride skateboards. Thanks for sharing about Thumper with us. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. LOL, we love your idea of the Disapproving Bun!

  18. teeeheeee....IT'S A SKATEBOARDIN' RABBIT! Oh how I love Wednesdays!

  19. Is he on a skateboard? We had a miserable chomping Rabbit, you couldn't help love him though xxxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Yes he is,Rabbits like that are the hardest work but the most rewarding,xx Rachel

  20. Thumper was such a handsome Dutch. It is quite difficult to believe he's a chomper from those pictures!

    1. yes he was,I know he looked so sweet,xx Rachel

  21. Thumper was a beautiful guy... and hey, he was a "Skaterboy" how great! (and now with have this Avril Lavigne song in our head LOL)

  22. We didn't know that there are tuxedo bunnies. Thumper totally reminds us of tux handsome. Thanks for teaching us something new Speedy!

  23. Sweet Thumper he lookz like he waz a bunderfull bunneh...ya had sum pawz to fill butt ya haz dun a fine job Speedy!
    Much lub frum Nylalbue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

  24. A Dutchie! Dutchies have very high standards. But we hoomins often fail to achieve those high standards. And that is the beginning of why it's a bad idea to get Disapproved Of by a Dutchie; they have had plenty of practice at Disapproving, and so they're very good at it.

    Which is bad news for us hoomins.

    All we can really do is strive to improve, and keep striving in the hope that maybe, one day in the far future, we might be able to hope to reach 50% of the standard that Dutchies require!

    So try we must!

    " *THUMP!* You call that "trying", HOOMIN? That's not "trying"! It is "failing", HOOMIN! "


    Oops, better try harder, I guess.

  25. Thumper was a gorgeous fellow xxxx


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