Saturday 22 March 2014

We're Baack!!And Fighting!

We Back and Fighting and Mama has her Mo Jo back!

We want to Thank you for all your support dear friends,I'm not sure that we would have made it through this with out you and BlogPaws them selves because they sent the most wonderful email still brings tears and sniffles when we think about it.Because we are still in the running for the Award for Best Other Pet Blog,that's right They wouldn't replace us,the Judges picked our blog because they love what we do and begged us not to give up and get back to doing what we do best!

We did nothing wrong in asking for help to get to BlogPaws and though it is to late for me to still go its not to late for Amy so I am going to fight and campaign to get her there and for that I need you help too.I have started to hear back from the company's that I contacted but I have to send my sponsor ship request to a different dept so I will take that as a good sign.But it won't be enough I feel because there are no guarantees that they will be able to help.
So I am going to do a new Gofund me page because it will help good cause's along the way too and people all over the world use it to raise funds for once in a life time trips to ballet dance lesson's for their kids as well as for charity too and those of you who don't believe me you should go on to the site and see for your selves's what Go Fund Me is used for.So if you feel you can help and want to help even if its only a pound or two feel free to donate, how ever if you would rather help in other ways this is where you can I want to arrange for a raffle and and auction to help raise funds to get Amy to BlogPaws as she took most of the horrid and negative comments because of my post asking for help and you know what that still makes me cross,no one should have to take that because of me and what I write on my blog.
So if you can donate nice items for the raffle and Auction that would be great those of you who have done this sort of thing before can you contact me as I have never done something like this before so some help with that is needed.Lets work together and put those mean comments into the trash where they belong!
So can you Help Me with Mine and Speedy's Mission to get our dear friend Amy to BlogPaws?
The Total amount we need to raise with sponsors and the raffle and Auction plus help from her own family is
£1200 and that is the amount I will put on the GoFund Me page as News of funds from her family and Sponsors come in I will put an adjustment on that figure,I am not asking you all to come up with all that amount just help with part of it and if we go over that amount that will be donated to the Rabbit Residence rescue here in the UK and if we fail to get enough what ever we raise here will go to them too!
So what do you think Can you help me and Speedy get Amy to BlogPaws?

 And to those of you who don't like what I am doing you come to ME and Speedy and you leave Amy alone!We have a saying Hell hath no fury like a Disapproving Bun and His Mum!
And here is our donation to the raffle and Auction a stirling silver earing and necklace set that I was going to sell in our shop and a set of 5 Speedy birthday cards!


  1. SPEEDSTER! MUMMY! Good morning! I am so happy that you are back in the running and that you feel GOOD about what you are doing. All misunderstandings but aside with the important parties, and all is good to go! YAY!!!!!!! Nothing can keep down a disapproving bun and his mum!

    Sending you my fondest appreciation for coming back, for always being cheerful, and making us happy.

    Speed-o-meter, you look FIERCE but you have the biggest heart. ((HUGS))

    1. Thanks Auntie Anita its good to get Mama's MoJo back,xx Speedy

  2. I cross all my paws for you to go. (And I've got four, see that's a whole lot) Have a nice day.

    1. Thank you we will need all that luck it can bring,xx Speedy

  3. We too cross our paws for you and hope you hear back from potential sponsors. Way to go and welcome back. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. I hope you can go. It would be fun. Have a great Saturday.
    Sue B

    1. I'm not going but I really want Amy to be able to go,thank you,xx Rachel and Speedy

  5. It would be great when someone could cross the pond to visit blogpaws. Have a super saturday

    1. Thanks Easy,yes it would,happy saturday to you,xx SPeedy

  6. I do purr that things go well any you get to go. I will ask Dad to look around fur some goodies we have not been drooling on fur the auction.

    1. Thanks Timmy,any thing will help if you can,xx Speedy

  7. Hi guys! So glad to see this post this morning! I will try my best to help with donating. I am not sure as of yet if it is possible for us, but I will try.
    Good for you for not giving up! You deserve this!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Thanks for not giving up on us too,and if you can help great if not no worries its the thought that counts,xx Speedy and Rachel

  8. I'm so glad you guys are back and that Blog Paws is so kind. That is really nice to hear. I hope all goes well with the fundraising for Amy.

  9. You can't keep a good bun down! :) I'm so glad that the BlogPaws humans (and your readers) are so supportive of you.

    1. Hehehe you are so right Sparkle,thank you too,xx Speedy

  10. Sounds like a good plan to us. Hope you can get the money raised for Amy to go. That would be great fun for her. Take care.

    1. I thought it was too,thank you Marg,xx Rachel and Speedy

  11. Welcome back! It's a little late but whenever I'm upset about humanity, my sister always sends me this ( I hope it helps cheer you guys up! We love you and stand by you XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett

    1. Awww thank you that means a lot to me,xx SPeedy

  12. Hi Rachel & Speedy! Sherri-Ellen here! Awesome that Blogpaws kept you in the contest & why wouldn't they?? You 2 rock the blog world!
    I am thrilled you are back & so is Nylablue.
    We apologize for not being around to support you or talk with you; alot of stuff going on here which took time away from blogging & keeping in touch with friends.
    I too have been targeted by gossipers in the building about Nylablue. It has been a most unpleasant experience & I have confronted everyone & even gave one woman the By-Law officer's phone number & suggested she lodge a complaint against me if she feels I am mistreating Nylablue!!! (I emailed By-Law Officer who is also Shelter operator & the woman who asked me to rescue NB, lol; joke would be on anyone who filed a complaint then). It takes so much energy to assert oneself but I think in both our cases it was necessary!!!
    I am here for you even if I am far away!!!
    Much love always. Sherri-Ellen & Nylablue <3

    1. Thank you Sherri-Ellen,you are a star,we can't help what people think but we don't have to put up with it do we?love to you both,xx Rachel

  13. I hope the tips I shared with you helped! I can't believe people were giving you a hard time?

    1. Thank you Caren,the tips did help,things are different here in the UK unfortunately,but never mind,xx Rachel

  14. I am sure glad to see the bunny is still hopping!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mes sure happy that yous is sticking with it! Wes really wishes wes could helps. But wes can only sends yous all our love and our support!
    Nellie (and her Mommy)

    1. thanks Nellie that will do nicely,love to you both,xx Speedy and Rachel

  16. OMC I love your title! "We're Baack!" Thats hilarious.
    But we are SO happy your back!! That is so pawsome that BlogPaws kept you in the competition. But I cant see any reason why they wouldn't, because from the time I have been following your blog, I am very impressed! I still cant believe people were giving you guys a hard time. But you guys are warriors! Nothing can shoot you down!
    We will always be here for you! And I hope you raise enough money for Amy. I am so sorry I cant donate for you. We aren't in the best of conditions ourselves right now, we aren't poor but we sure as heck aren't rich.
    Have a pawsome day guys!
    ❀Siamese Smothers❀Happiness is Siamese!

    1. Thank you Christie and Mikko,that means so much to us,and no worries about donating,your support will do very nicely instead,thank you,xx Speedy and Rachel

  17. Yes ! Good decision.
    We are happy because BlogPaws kept you. You deserve this award !
    Amitiés et ronrons.
    Nat à Chat et Hisia

  18. Glad your back. I hated the thought that a few idiots would stop Speedy the Cheeky House Rabbit. Blogpaws is right, you're the best.

  19. YEA!!! I'm so glads you got your mojo back and your gonna make us smile agains!! Sorry it's too late for you to go to BlogPaws, butts I will root for your sweet friend Amy!!!
    Ruby ♥♥

  20. Whoa yay for you getting your mojo back. Here in Virginia they call it "moxie" and I'm glad yours is in full swing! Good luck to you and Amy at BlogPaws :)

    1. Thanks Amy,I think we're gonna need it,xx Rachel

  21. I don't have a clue as to what happened but whatever it was, I'm super glad to hear that you're back and in true Speedy form. These things usually work themselves out, I find. I'm sure everything will be all sorted before you even know it and I'm purrin' that that happens really, really soon.


    1. Cheers mate,can't keep a cheeky bun down,xx Speedy

  22. I'm glad you are back! That is my buddy Speedy - the fighter. Love you bro! XOXO - Bacon

  23. SO glad you're back, Speedy! It wouldn't feel right without you there with us in the category! Never mind to anyone that isn't supportive, you deserve to try!

  24. So this has been batting about my head for a while now ..

    Why shouldn't you be allowed to ask your friends for help?! We all need help now and then. Now, if you were butting your blog behind a pay wall, or somehow FORCING people to pay for you to have a vacay across the seas on a beach or something, then yes, I can see how people would be upset.. but "Hi, I'd like to go to BlogPaws, I can't quite swing it, anyone able to make a few dollars donation to the cause can help by visiting.." is hardly obnoxious, unreasonable or anything!

    And if someone didn't agree with you fundraising to go to a fun event elsewhere, well, then they just didn't have to donate. As simple as that!

    1. Aww thank you Auntie Lorna,you're the best,snuggles,xx Speedy

  25. We're so glad you're back! Good luck to Amy!!

  26. Good, I'm glad you didn't let some nasty people get you down!

    1. Some times you just need to take a step back and breath deep,xx Rachel

  27. I big thank you to Blog Paws for not taking you out of the Competition. We were pretty sure they wouldn't. As mom said in a comment on a more recent post, she'll go through her kitty things to find some auction items in the next day or two. Keep fighting. We are glad you didn't go away for more than a day. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Thank you my kitty pals and to you moma,xx Speedy and Rachel


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