Wednesday 16 July 2014

Disapproving Bun Day and a Special visit!

Its Wednesday so its time for our next star,this was sent in by Fozziemum and its one of my Cousins in Australia ,he or she is so lucky to be near our pal Fozziemum

                     "Some one is spying on me, I can tell!"

For more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun

And don't forget to send in your photos to my mum of your Disapproving Bunnies or friends Bunnies or some of my wild  cousins at [email protected]

Today Bashful got to go on a visit with Mummy and Daddy,I didn't go as it was a bit to warm for me so I stayed in the cool,But Bashful made a great envoy for me.
Bashful got to meet Freya Rose Blossom of Catflap Cavalier isn't she a cutie?
He even got a smooch off her,he's such a smooth talker is Bashful.and the best thing is they came back with lots of goodies an nice bag of apple branches and some fresh thyme for me and a home grown cucumber and a couple of courgettes too,which is very nice of Freya and her mum and dad.So a big thank you to them.
And Bashful got to see the Golden Hind Ship,its a replica of the original ship Captained by Sir Francis Drake,its moored in Brixham Harbour.

Mummy has some video of me but she needs to up load it so she will post it when its done


  1. Those apple branches and fresh thyme sound really nice and yummy! Have you tasted them yet?

  2. Woah! Cool!!!
    Can't wait to see the videos!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  3. Hello there Capt'n Speedwell! Bashful and mummy have a lot in store for you, so get on your harness and get ready for more summer fun. That Australian bunster is adorable!!!

    1. Hehehe you are so right Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  4. Wow those wild cousins in Australia look exactly the same as they do here! Your friend is gorgeous :) Bashful is very lucky to meet her!

  5. Speedy last night on my walk I saw four little baby bunnies pop up out of their nest and start to play till they saw and heard me. They hightailed it back in their hole.
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. Freya is a cutie! And so is that disapproving bun :) What a gorgeous ship and lovely setting as well! Thanks for sharing and look forward to your videos, Speedy! ♥ xo, Destiny & Asia

  7. This wild bunneh wants to get on with doing Important Rabbity Things in private, without nosey hoomin beans in the way and staring! *THUMP!*

    Being hoomins, we almost certainly wouldn't understand Important Rabbit Things anyway!

    So we should butt out! *THUMP!*

  8. I didn't know buns did the back of disrespect!

  9. Funny bunny! That Bashful is never disapproving!

  10. It was great to meet Bashful. LUV'S HIM.
    Sorry you stayed behind young Speedy, but hope you enjoyed munching on your apple wood. Luv's Freya Rose Blossom X

    1. Hi Freya,it was lovely of you to send it to me,its very yummy,xx Speedy

  11. Thoze r sum cool pikchurez. So sorry u cood not go BUTT that wuz so nice they brought u sum good things to eat.

    By the way, we may b Beaglez an'not Bunniez however we still haf sum disapprovin'timez here - we can't connect to the Interwebz an'hazta rely on our telepathic wavestream durin'the day when our mom iz at werk - when she gitz home - we can't vizit our furrendz or post on our blog - MAJOR disapproving goin'on.
    Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta

  12. Freya was the one who was cheeky in this post, giving Bashful a kiss after just meeting. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo

  13. That sounds like a great visit. I love the ship and you received a bunch of tasty treats!

  14. ERNIE chased one of your cussins yesterday...

  15. Speedy, what do you do to show your mum you're 'disapproving?' When I wanna show the peep I'm annoyed, I do airplane ears. You do anythin' with your ears?

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

  16. Well, gotta watch out for that bashful, seems to be a big hit with the ladies, stay cool Speedy, we are trying to do the same.

    The Mad Pirate Scots

  17. Speedy you're spoilt with the apple branches!! Looking forward to the video :)

  18. Bashful is one really lucky guy to get to go on all those trips. Looking forward to your video!

    Happy Wednesday!

  19. Yeah, we want to see the video too!


  20. Looks like Bashful is enjoying his holiday.

  21. Bashful is really getting around - getting kisses and sightseeing! Good thing he's not bothered by the heat....

    Love and licks,

  22. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, what a cool and wild disapproving bun! I like to see the wild buns in my territory when they visit my yard. Bashful is adorable!
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commissioner

  23. Wow, Bashful sure is getting to see the sights.

  24. That is one cool ship cousin got to see
    Lily & Edward

  25. What great pics of the ships Speedy and yes watch that Bashful!! he IS a smooth talker...I love thyme too and grow Lemon Thyme...smells beautiful and tastes great! and yes I think this Bun Bun was very disapproving of me spoiling his.her munching by the dam :) I must learn to sneak better ;) hugs and loves Fozziemum xxxx

    1. Hehehe you are so right Fozziemum,hehehe,xx Speedy

  26. Pee ess Freya is gorgeous!!! :)

  27. What a great bun friend Fozziemum sent in! Great visit too it seems.

  28. Cool post... I bet Speedy and the puppy became friends at the end!.
    Best wishes Rachel, looking forward to watching the video.
    Aquileana :)

    1. Hahaha maybe they will but that is in the future,xx Rachel

  29. Bashful, you are having such a good time! Me-Ommmmmm

  30. Does look like someone is spying on him. LOL. That ship is cool. Looks so pretty there.
    Sue B

  31. I'm curious what the purr-things will say when Bashful brings the smell of this beautiful Lady home :o) And he really saw the Golden Hind? WOW! Bet now The Golden Hind is Captain Speedy's ship :o)

  32. Speedboat and mummy! I came because the European link party has begun! I will be back later! LOVE!

  33. Your cousin is very cute. And it sounds like Bashful had a lovely visit. It was nice of them to bring you back something to nom :)

  34. Yow Freya poochie iz beeuteefull...she iz such a purrty color Speedy!! N fancey Bashfull gettin a *kissie* frum her ;) Dat iz one smooth pebble!!!
    WE lub dat furry wild bunneh. he will bee safe wif Aunti Bev eatchin over him...
    Muhc lub deer furend, Nylablue n Mum too

  35. Bashful is sure getting around! Wes saw the Golden Hind (well actually Mommy). They was living on the West Coast of Canada. Captain Vancouver was therein 1792 and in 1992 they had a big tall ship festival. We saw lots of reproductions of famous ships. It was very exciting!
    And Freya Rose Blossom is a gorgeous puppy!


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