Friday 4 July 2014

Pets Are good for us ...That's a fact!

We was recently contacted by a lady called Gemma who is doing research for Sunrise Senior Living to see if we would be interested in highlighting how Pets are good for our health and we jumped at the chance.Sunrise Senior living is a company that advocates Pet Friendly Care Home's,they understand the benefits to the residents health that having a pet makes.
She kindly sent me this info graph to high light these facts.They even have a Blog Post: Pets make happy homes showing some of the community pets that live at their Care Home's

 Meet Alfie from Hale Barns,Treacle from Tettenhall and Chino from Westbourne!
Isn't it Great when Companies actively encourage Great ideas and forward thinking and scientific research!
You should check them out on their web site blog it has some other great information


  1. My human's dad lives in an assisted living facility and his cat Smokey lives with him. He would probably feel lost without Smokey!

    1. He's very lucky to be able to have him Sparkle,xx Speedy

  2. That is so wonderful that all the Sunrise Senior Living community includes a resident dog or cat. They should include bunnies too! :)

    Pets are definitely good for our health! Without a doubt.

  3. Oh do I know that pets are great therapy! Having no siblings, all my childhood it was pets that kept my deepest secrets and made me smile! HUGS DEAR FRIENDS! Anita

    1. we make the best of friends Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  4. Pets are good fur efurryone! So true! Me-Ommmmmm

  5. That is great that they have pets at their care homes.

  6. I agree... My cats are so important to me... I love them so much...

    Best wishes and happy weekened ahead Aquileana :)

  7. When I worked an in an Assisted Living place the residents would light up when animals or pets came to visit. They even loved the baby goat that came once. They couldn't have their own pets there but; they could visit.
    Sue B

  8. There was never any doubt here Speedy!!!

    1. We know but its nice to get confirmation,xx SPeedy

  9. How cool is that?! Nice!
    I agree pets are good for our health and everything in between!!
    ღ husky hugz áƒ¦ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. You're preaching to the converted, Speedy, but if we needed proof!!! Cool! xox

  11. What a great post! yes animals have amazing ways of keeping us healthy..physically and many seniors who have to give up loved pets to go into care quickly deteriorate! so well done :) hugs and loves Fozziemum xx

    1. that very true,thats why we think this so great,xx Speedy

  12. I would be lost without my Simba as well. They sure are wonders! Great post Speedy and Rachel. :D ♥ Big Hugs ♥

  13. What a fab idea!!


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