Tuesday 1 July 2014

Frankies Pirate Day!

Tis Capt'n Speedy here  we sail to my favourite Island among the seven sea's to meet with all the fellow marauders for a great gathering of sea dogs and scoundrels to regal some tales,But most of all to partake a few rums and flagons of ale and party to the likes ye will not see for a long old while!

So while we finish adorning ourselves of our Finery here's a tale to warm ye Cockles!

And here we be at the Finest Caribbean Island the Island of Speedom with our hoards of treasure and our Rums Arrrrh!Me Ship the SS Speedy is wait for ye for a epic Adventure!

Tis Capt'n Speedy and his first Mate Bashful,come Join us and see if ye can part our Treasure and our rum if Ye Dare!We be waiting for ye scoundrels and ye salty sea dogs to see who of ye are brave enough to take our Treasure or may be ye be just wanting to join in the party throng and sup a Rum or Two!What Say ye?

And so thee Battle ensews Capt'n against Capt'n  and their crews.Canons firing, pistol echoing,sword clashing a swashbuckling adventure to be true!and who wins the Treasure?Why ye all do!With a party to boot!

Now Hop on over to http://atcad.blogspot.com/ for the next post!Or ye be walkin' thee plank!

Don't forget our ASPCA Give away click Here!

And to Let you know that on Thursday we will be take part in  video hang out with Blogpaws Live


  1. OMD Matey Speedy, what a Just loved it, now we can sit back and drink our rum Bawahhhaha xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. hehehe that is what we do best eh Mollie,xx Speedy

  2. Ahoy, Speedy this is more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

  3. The Dread Pirate Mick says he'll be a-havin' some o' that rum, and nobunny had better be gettin' in his way, either. :D

  4. Ahoy! You always make the best pirate, Speedy!

  5. Yo Ho Ho there pirate Capt'n Speedy! What a fun adventure. BOL I'd be happy to share a bottle o rum with you and arrrrggghhhh to the seven seas!
    Grr and a Swashbuckling Woof,
    Sarge, Sea Hound

  6. Ah ye mateyz - ye need tue git yourselvez over tue the Idaho Pug Ranch (they haf their Tavern open) fur more ale an'grog an'merriment fur a jolly good time.

    We Beaglebratz love all your great pikchurez - we think u make a mitey fine matey!
    Shiloh'n Diva Shasta

  7. It makes us laugh every time we see you in your pirate outfit and that mustache!

  8. Aye matey iz a pawsum pawty ya iz puttin together...me mite make it butt nott shure! so me sendz all da best n haz sum Rum on me!!!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0

    1. Hehehe don't worry I'll save some for you,xx SPeedy

  9. You look totally terrific Speedy!

  10. You look like a real pirate Speedy
    Lily & Edward

  11. MOL :lol: What fun!! :-D xx Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  12. You're such a handsome pirate bunny.

  13. OH CAP'N MY CAP'N! I will get on over to the link NOW because I don't want to be walkin' the plank with yer sword at mi back! YIKES!!!!!!!

    Oh dear Captain Speedboat of the SS SPEEDBUMP! YOU ARE JUST TOO TOO CUTE! Look at yer legs, wow, those are pillars of strength! I am loving this. Summer brings out the best in our imaginations! LOVE YOU!

    1. Hehehe that is what summer is about Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  14. I'm not a rabbit or a dog Speedy "just" a cheeky little advanturous Lady cat. I will love to join you. Sounds fun.
    I send you lots and lots of ronrons to share with Bashful.
    PS :We sorry. It's not easy for us to leave a comment with Nat à Chat eye's problem. Next week will be very complicated !

    1. Aww you are always welcome Hisia hopw Nat a Chat feel better soon,xx Speedy and Bashful

  15. OMD I love this.... You look SUPERB and Bashful in his Pirate Do Rag... is super.
    THANK YOU... It was a FABULOUS POST... I ♥ it.
    Did you know that I (Frankie Furter) used to have BFF's who were Rabbits? YES, they lived Free on my hill fur about 18 months... and we had a BLAST together. They were Black Rabbits... and I named them Charcoal and Charcoal.

    1. Pawsome,Glad you loved it,now you have another bunny pal.xx Speedy

  16. Speedy this was a perfect post..you are an official Pirate!!

  17. LOL!! Speedy and Bashful make the most excellent pirates!

  18. OMD! Speedy, that was the bestest Pirate Story evers!!! Loved it! And I loves all the Pirate pics of you! You rock Speedy!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Fantastic Post!! We still have some cake & grog from the day's celebrations so stop on by and help yourself.

    ♥♥♥Mona & Prissy

    ps.....there's still to send a pic of you with your Dad for our belated Father's Day Smiley Box. The deadline is tomorrow..

  20. Pawtastic story Speedy! We loved singing all the Pirate songs while drinking some grog.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  21. Oh dear piggy heavens - ya'll are just too cute!! I mean - piratey ah - snorts. Love it! XOXO - Bacon

  22. What a fun post!! I just loved it! And wow Speedy, you really have your pirate talk down pat don't ya?! Love it!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

    1. Heheheehe well its kinda old west country so its easy,xx Speedy

  23. Speedy you make a cute pirate. Love pirate day. Loved your post.
    Sue B


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