Friday 25 July 2014

Here is what we have been up to this week!

Well we have been out and about a lot this week,the last few days we have been taking Bashful back to Cadover Bridge but to different bits of the river and Yes I did get to go along to! hehehe...

And we got to see more ponies too!

Then the next day!

Mummy and Daddy Brought part of my play pen with a Brolly for Shade for me as it was very sunny!
And yes more ponies only closer!

and look one was a baby,how cute!

And today there is only one as it was busy with lots of families and lots of children all wanting to see Me and everybody loved me the mummy's and daddy's and the children which was great fun as I met two pups too!


  1. You sure have been having fun horsing around Speedy!

  2. Speedster, I so love to visit you. You show me places and animals I never get to see, and PONIES? You are showing me my favorite animal in the whole wide world, (next to rabbits, of course!) What fun you and Bashful are having as you tour the grand countryside! Wild ponies! I wonder if they look so happy sweet little man! Give mummy a hug from her American friend. XOXOX

    1. Hehehe Yay for everything Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  3. Wow, Speedy, you and Baseful sure have been having some great outing. We enjoyed seeing all the horses as well. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  4. You are such a lucky bunny to get to go on such fun adventures! Did you get to say hello to the Ponies? :)

  5. Wow! Speedy, I'm so excited for you! Great adventures, I'm so envious :-) You got yourself one great hoomin!

  6. That is so cool Speedy! Are the ponies wild?

  7. dood !!! looks like ewe R havin a GRATE time...& everee one iz enjoyin see in ewe ☺ tell yur mum & dad to buy ewe yur own kewl wood THAT be huh ... N heerz two a raccoon butterflyfish kinda week oh end… ♥

  8. How fun that you get to go on trips with your humans, Speedy! We kitties are not such good travelers.

  9. Wow, Speedy! You did have a bunventure! You even got to enjoy the local grass and land, protected by a nice wire enclosure to keep you safe! I hope you had a bunderful day! <3

  10. Looks like a fun-packed week, Speedy!! Thanks for sharing all the lovely pics! :) We love seeing the ponies! Have a wonderful weekend! xo, Destiny & Asia

  11. Wow Speedy you are having a fun time there. We love that you get to holiday too and of course you and your harness are a sight to behold once more, Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. I wish we could visit the ponies once too (is there really a big haunted house in the moor like the one in Arthur Conan Doyles story?) I hope the pups were nice to you Speedy and no one of this guys barked :o)

  13. Speedy what a lovely, lovely adventure! You are so lucky to be able to see ponies!!!! Wish I could! Love, Cody

  14. What a fun adventure! Are those ponies wild? I know that you and Bashful had a great time!

  15. Looks so beautiful there. The ponies are so pretty. Speedy you look like your having a fun time.
    Sue B

  16. Oh I just LOVE ponies!!!! I had 2 horses when I was younger, and they are by far one of my all time favorite pets!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  17. It's so beautiful there! What a lucky bunny you are to go walking with your mum & dad there!

  18. Oh Speedy, OF COURSE all the peeps and shrunken peeps loved you!!!!! We ALL love you!! Cause you are soooo lovable! :)
    Wowsa, those are ALOT of ponies! They are most beautifuls...I've never seen one in the furs ~ that must have been pawsome!
    Ruby ♥

  19. WOW.....lookit all those great photos! My goodness that's a pile of ponies! I've never seen one before - deer yes, a bear once yes, other critters in the woods yes but pony NO! Lucky you....and Bashful since he's getting to enjoy it too!

    Hugs, Sammy

  20. Loving your little trips, Speedy. Instead of a traveling cat, you are a real raveling bunny.

  21. WOW! Speedy, you and Bashful have had a very exciting week!

  22. How exciting with all those ponnies :-)

  23. Coucou Speedy,
    You are lucky. Ponies, I would like to see one.
    Your summer is a real exciting one.

  24. Lovely to meet the horses like that!

  25. What a great day for you and Bashful. Glad you got to go along this trip, Speedy! Beautiful ponies! Did you get to ride on one???


  26. Hi Speedy Buddy. I missed ya! I don't know why I keep hurting my paw. Mom is very frustrated already. I couldn't run and play catch... Not yet. It still hurts. Anyway, did you make friends with the ponies?

  27. What a wonderful post...thanks for visiting my. Post from me RIa...x !

  28. Wow, that's lots of adventures for one bunny. Did you want to ride the ponies?

    BTW, I love the baby!

    --Wags and purrs from Life with Dogs and Cats

  29. Yow Speedy me n Mum are green wif envee...Ya got to see da poniez..reel LIVe poniez!!! Dey are so beeuteefull..
    We iz so glad ya n Bashfull are gettin out on deze jauntz n enjoyin yerselvez so much!
    Miss Rachel finkz of eberyfing to keep ya comfy ou on da moorz ;)
    Much lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum x0x0x0

  30. You got really close to the ponies! The Mom especially likes the white ones.

  31. Oh, Speedy and Bashfull, the ponies are so adorable, especially the little one. What a lovely surroundings. Pawkisses for the both of you :)

  32. Looks like a brilliant week.

  33. Looks like a lovely walk!!

  34. I know I keep saying it but it's true. It's so BEAUTIFUL there!! Ya'll are having the best times. The ponies are so cute and so CLOSE. <3 to all of ya'll! XOXO - Bacon

  35. Pawsome Ponies! Woooooowooooooooo! Ku and Me-Ommmmmm, Zoe

  36. Looks like you have been having a wonderful time Speedy! Lots of fun adventures with Mom and the beautiful ponies!

  37. Hi Rachel,

    Such a lovely post... The pics and G plus shares really made me smile.
    Thanks for brighten up my night :)

    Best wishes to you, yours and Speedy, Aquileana ;)


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