Friday 17 October 2014

Highland Games in celebration of Kyla

All of Blogville are gearing up for this great event to Celebrate the life of Kyla the Scottie as she only has a short time Before she leaves for the rainbow bridge and from what I have seen she is a fun girl and always up for a party.There are lots of Events for this shindig that is being Organised by Mollie so hop on over to her Blog to see the list of events,there are some Fun ones to enter and I know I'm going to give a few of them a try.So I am in training to get my caber tossing skills up to scratch...hehehe
Though this one is too yummy to toss...hehehe
Paper ball tossing...Mum did say she would make me a special caber for the event!


  1. Oh goodness... I don't think I even know what caber tossing is but I'm sure it's lots of fun!

  2. I could do paper ball chewing with you Speedy, is that a Highland Game ?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Look at this special little pirate, this mooshy bunny with so many friends.....Bless little Kyla - may she enjoy her party and Speedy, gosh you are SO CUTE! Hugs little one...

  4. Looking forward to it Speedy. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. OH! THat is such a darling picture of you Speedboat! I hope you and mummy got my REPLY the other day that I sent you when I discovered the LOVELY greeting card in my inbox....that was so thoughtful of you both....much love my friends!

  6. Paper all tossing sure sounds fun
    Lily & Edward

  7. You are a real pirat, and at this time of the year you really fits in LOL.

  8. McSpeedy I reckon you will toss a great caber! Can't wait to see!!! xoxox

  9. ... good luck to all! Speedy, you let someone else win from time to time, ok? ;-)

    PS. Run into some technical difficulties trying to post a comment. Apologies in advance if I posted twice.

  10. Good Speedy...hey you need to get a hammer and come join the funny hammer throw with us!

    The Mad Scots

  11. Awww, you are so cute. I'll go over to the other blog and help celebrate Kyla.

  12. Have a great weekend Speedy!

    Noodle and crew

  13. Yow Speedy yer caburr tossin da chewy stick did not werk huh?? Dem stickz are nommie aren't dey??
    Maybee da papurr toss iz a bettur idea!! WE iz so happy ya feelz up to tossin eberyfing!!!!
    We iz sad fer Kyla tho'...butt such a grrreat event fer her iz a lubly fing to do...
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0

  14. I think you will easily be the champion tosser Speedy!

  15. Caber tossing!!!! Nice!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. A great way to celebrate a life. Can I wear my kilt? Does Speedy have a kilt?

  17. Hi Speedy! If your Mom sends me a head shot of your cute bunny self I'll zap you into one of my special caber tossing photos for the event!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  18. Oh and mummy came to visit me! Home is where the heart is for sure, and where fuzzy hearts warm up to us. YOU ARE WONDERFUL! Have an enchanting weekend!

  19. I bet Speedy will have tons of fun in Kyla the Scottie's party!.
    Sending Rachel and the bunny my best wishes xo, Aquileana :D

  20. Oh those do look like great events. We will see if some of the cats can do some of them. The dog, Ande, has too much arthritis to do it. We sure will go cheer everyone on though. You have a great Sunday.

  21. You need the strength of 200 rabbits to toss a caber I reckon, No way could WE do it MOL!!! I hope the event goes Well, we will try to drop in. Mum can be a but unfocussed at times * rolls eyes *

    Harvey Button

  22. My dogs are practicing their dancing and my son has given the rubber but life like sword.

  23. Good luck at the Games Speedy. Mom is going to be out of town then so she says we have to miss this event. Pfffft! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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