Wednesday 8 October 2014

Disapproving Bun Day!

Welcome to another edition of Disapproving Bun day......hehehehe is it scary enough for you?Mauhhhaahaaaaaaaahahhhhh...................

Don't Forget to send in you photos or you Disapproving Bunnies,friends and families bunnies or some of my wild Cousins to my Mum at [email protected]

And for more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

And for all of you wanting to know how Speedy is:
He's doing ok,he is off the Critical care food and meds as he is eating lots of Hay and greens,enough to sustain him and he is doing normal poops a bit smaller but normal which is good,the only strange thing is he has no interest in his treats or pellets so maybe he has put himself on a diet?...who knows he just doesn't want them maybe that will change in time,but as long as he keeps eating that is good enough for me.We will just keep an eye on him and see what happens.
But the main thing is he is back to being lively and cheeky and wants to play all the time which is also good.


  1. Oh that is such good news that Speedy is doing a little better and eating a little bit. Love that picture of you Speedy. You all have a great Wednesday.

  2. Oh thats great news if Speedy is up for a play, I'll just pop along to join in
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  3. Nice to know you are back and hopping good my fine friend. Nice one. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Well done, Speedy! And are you nomming on leaves in the photo above? You certainly seem to be taking it seriously! You mean business!

    Keep mending; you're nearly there now! <3

    1. Aww thanks Uncle Fleetie,hehehe it is very serious business,xx Speedy

  5. That is a great picture and we're sure glad you are doing better Speedy!

  6. Glad you are doing better Speedy
    Lily & Edward

  7. We are doing the happy dance that you are so much better, Speedy! xox

  8. I'm glad that Speedy is doing better! It sounds like he is almost back to normal.

  9. Speedy we are SO glad to hear that you are SO IMPROVED... Excellent Job buddy...

  10. dood....a grate diz a proovin bun day snap shots...N may bee ya iz kinda sorta tired oh de taste oh de pelletz? much as we like fish N we due haz diffrunt...flavorz...sum timez we gotta step a way frum de fish for a bit....way happee yur doin good tho !! ♥

  11. Love your Halloween look!!! Very spooooooky!
    Glad Speedy is doing a bit better now :)
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Yow grrrreat piccie of our fave bunneh!!!
    Say Speedy as yer feelin sumwhat bettur me wauud like to come ove rn play wif ya...we can do sum zoomiez n binkiez round da house or eben in da garden if ya wantz!!!
    We iz so happy yerr feelin bettur n we hopez ya askz fer treetz soon...
    **paw kissez** Nylalbue n ear scritchez frum Sherriellen Mum

    1. oh a play date?sure thing Nylablue,the weather is rubbish here but still we have the whole house to play in,xx SPeedy

  13. What a great disapproving look Speedy!! We are so glad you are feeling better!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilb

  14. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, great howlOweenie blog! Is that a delish yummer you are chewing on?
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Pol Comm

  15. I'm glad to hear Speedy's eating and playing better.

  16. I'm glad to hear Speedy's eating and playing better.

  17. Great picture, Speedy.

    I'm so glad you're doing so much better! This is great news!

  18. OMG! What a scary, scary pirate bunny! teeeeeeeee

    I LOVE your new header, Capt'n Speedy! You are so scary! But what is good is to hear mum's report on you. Have you put yourself on a diet, Oh Capt'n my Capt'n? Allow yourself a treat once in a while little man....we love you!

    1. Hehehe Auntie Anita you are so funny,love you too,xx Speedy

  19. Speedy ... NO Halloween treats unless you get back to better healthy eating first!!!

    (Isn't THAT scary?)

  20. Love the scaaaaaary bloggie makeovers!!! Ooooooooo!! BOL
    I am so glads you are feelin' a little betters Speedy!! I gots my paws crossed for you!!!
    Ruby ♥

  21. Speedy, great to hear you're doing better. And what a great theme on your blog! Well done indeed.

  22. yay! I'm so glad to read the good news! your header is GREAT! arrrgh... hoppy howl-o-ween! yes!

  23. So happy that Speedy is healthy again. Love you, Speedy :)

  24. You look very impressive Speedy .....
    I am happy to know that you feel better. Eating is very important !

  25. You're gettin' right into the spirit of Hallowe'en, aren't you? LOVE it!


    PS. Glad to hear you're feelin' better. purrs

    1. Hehehe its a fun time of Year Nissy,thanks my friend,xx Speedy

  26. We sure hope you are on your way to full recovery, Speedy.

  27. Love the Halloween look, Speedy! We've been so busy that we haven't stopped by ANY of our friends' sites lately, so sorry! Had NO idea you weren't feeling well, poor cutie! Sending you lots of healing energy and love! xo, Miss Destiny

  28. Thank goodness Speedy is doing better! Looking a little scary, but better....walking away backwards now.....nice bunny...

  29. Appropriate for Halloween ~ Hope Speedy is well and not as distorted as the creative photo ~ Happy Weekend!

    1. Hahaha thanks thats how he was standing for the photo all very scary looking,xx Rachel

  30. Hi Speedy! Sorry it's been a little while since we've come by to see you. We don't know what was wrong, but we sure are happy to hear you are eating now! Hopefully you will feel up to having some treats soon. :)

    We love your Halloween header, too!

    Carmine and Milita

    1. Hi Carmine and Milita,That's ok things come up,but thank you anyway,xx Speedy

  31. Love this photo, Speedy! You are such a cutie. You know, we cats decide all the time that we don't like a food that we previously loved. Even though that has happened; we are very happy you are eating better and getingt back to your cheeky self. We also love your Halloween theme. We hope you will join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop and on Monday for our Mice Bucket Challenge and Comment-a-thon. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  32. Hi Rachel!... I am glad to know that Speedy is doing better and that he is in a good mood and want to play... Take care of him... Much love to you!, Aquileana :)


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