Sunday 19 October 2014

Sunday Selfie its a cutie!

Its time for Sunday Selfie with The Cat on my Head and its a spooky cutie....hehehe
Although in our house it Smells all Christmassy....Mummy is Baking her Christmas Cake!She will show you this week with the recipe for those who want to try and bake one for themselves!

And a little update from Mum:

Well as you all know I have been having trouble getting Speedy to eat his pellets well that was a bust after trying 2 other types still no joy so I went with the sin and got a bag of the Wagg bunny Brunch it's a muesli type food but as this type of food goes its actually not to bad it has a mix of different types of pellets as well as a small amount of the other grain type stuff  and Speedy is eating this one not in huge amounts but he is eating a bit of everything from the mix so that's better than nothing.And for those of you who have bunnies and are saying you shouldn't be giving a rabbit this think about this : When you have a bunny that refuses to eat his normal diet and is losing weight after being so poorly you get to the point where its a case of whatever works to get them eating,the plan is over time to change back to a pellet food once he becomes a bit more settled with his food and Speedy is still eating mainly hay with his veg which I have had to change too as he has gone of his favourites since he was poorly.But other wise The little guy is doing good.  xx Rachel


  1. That is sure a terrific selfie Speedy! Oh pal, come on and pick up the pace on the eating thing please.

  2. Speedy, I always enjoy seeing your selfies. Everything about you is so adorable and I want to pet your nose, those big cheeks, your forehead, and rub your long ears. I almost had a rabbit brother - we had the cage, supplies, and he came to visit. But dad is very allergic to hay and we realized we couldn't keep a rabbit in the house and keep dad breathing!

    I'm glad you're eating a little better. Hey (or hay!) you have to eat something and even if it isn't the perfect diet, it's better than not eating at all. Mom wishes I would eat only organic canned food, but I refuse. I prefer a certain very good quality food that I think smells & tastes good and I also like my crunchy dry food.

    I'm shocked someone would make unpleasant comments about you because you are obviously a well cared for and very loved bunny. Please just keep being you and share your stories with us because we enjoy reading them.

  3. What a handsome rabbit you are, Speedy! You look kinda thoughtful and wise here!

    Keep eating your noms that hoomin Mummy gives you! Keep getting better! <3

    Take care, Speedy Bunny! <3

  4. Glad to hear the Speedy is doing much better and I luffs that picture of him, so very cute
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  5. Love that cute selfie, Speedy. I'm glad to hear you are progressing, but will be much happier when you get back to 100% Speedy.

  6. hey, sometimes you need to feed junk food.. sending more purrs to Speedy

  7. Speedy! We're happy to hear that you're eating some. I take prednisone, and I want to eat everything!!


  8. Oh no sending more healing vibes and POTP. Speedy you get well soon. We have our paws crossed for you. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  9. We understand that here...our ancient brother Bilbo doesn't eat mych regular food so sometimes he gets treats for dinner...just to make sure he eats!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. Oh yes, much, much, much more important to eat, even if maybe it's not the most ideal food. That's the way it is for all anipals. We agree!

    You selfie, Speedy, is so cute!

  11. I like your selfie Speedy. And you have such beautifull "little" ears !
    We really hope that everything, regarding your health, will go back to normal really soon.
    We love you Speedy.

  12. Oh Speedy, you are darling as ever. I love your MOUTH! HAHAHAHAHAHAH that is one adorable selfie! And little man, are you losing weight? Mummy is taking such good care of you to give you what you need. Please be well Speedy my precious baby!

  13. I'm glad to hear Speedy is eating better, so what if it's something tastier than usual? Sometimes it's the calories that are the most important. Have a great week Speedy!

  14. Great selfie, Speedy ! We're glad you get better ! Purrs

  15. Moms always know the right thing to do when us furries are poorly. Eating is important.

    Love and licks,

  16. When any of us aren't eatin' our normal food, we get to eat whatever we like. If we want straight up FF, we get straight up FF. Anythin' to get us eatin' again.


  17. Your spooky selfie looks fabulous, Speedy. You keep on eating, okay. Healing Pawkisses are on the way :)

  18. I sure hope he gets to eating better and enjoys his new foods! little sweetie!

  19. That is a cute selfie Speedy.
    Mum agrees about the food. I don't want to eat much but I will eat treats. Mum calls it my junk food diet and says it is better than not eating at all.

  20. Speedy, your header almost made me scream in terror! ☺ I think you should feed Speedy whatever he will eat. Feel better soon my friend!

  21. I am just glad to hear you got him eating "something!" God job Speedy! Keep eating pal!!!!
    Love your selfie too!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  22. We love your selfie, Speedy! And we're glad you're eating some...we just want you to eat more!

  23. Wow! What an adorable selfie Speedy!
    I am glad to hear that he is eating. If Mikko or Jax wouldn't eat their food, then I would switch the food to whatever they would actually eat.
    Have a pawsome day!
    ❀Siamese Smothers and Tuxie Tickles❀ from Mikko and Jax at Happiness is Siamese!

  24. fantastic selfie!! Hoping Speedy starts eating better real soon! xoxo

  25. We think you are absolutely right.....when our "kids" won't eat normally - we do whatever we can to entice them to eat SOMETHING...eventually we can get them back on track but they need SOMETHING to keep going. We're happy that Speedy's eating what he feels like eating.....hopefully as we said, things will get better for him with his food!!!

    Sending Hugs,

  26. Quite the selfie! Rachel, you have to do what is best for your bunny. I get being criticized by others who try to help (or maybe not even!) but you know Speedy best and you have to give him whatever you need to. Keep it up and stay well Speedy!

  27. nice selfie Speedy. keep eating and we'd love your mum's recipe.

  28. We're thinkin of you young Speedy, Want me to send the cat over wiv his paw ?
    Get well little fluffy guy.
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  29. Good news Speedy! Getting your appetite back is the most important thing...the rest will fall back into place :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  30. Speedy, this is one of the most adorable photos of you. Purrfect for Sunday Selfies. Glad your mom is finding something that you will eat even if it isn't ideal. Can't have you getting any skinnier. Thank you so much for joining and supporting our blog hop. You and your mum are good friends.

  31. BOO Speedy me furend! Lub yer Sunday selfie piccie...we iz glad yer eatin a bit more. Okayz Mum wantz to meow wif yer Mum...go ahead Mum:
    Hi Rachel; Sherri-Ellen here. If Speedy wants to eat something different I say "Go For It!"....rabbits & cats are similar in that when unwell they can go off their food so easily!! Whatever works I say!!! We are praying for Speedy to recover his appetite soon. WE love him so-o much!
    Sherri-Wllen & Nylablue x0x0x0

  32. Well Speedy has that good fairy perched up there to help look after him. Probably whispers a few naughtys in that ear now and again too!

  33. *wringing worried paws* Speedy, you must simply must start eating like a normal cannot go this long and not eat your proper amount of pellets my pal...sending you my best ever appetite purrs

  34. We are glad to hear you are eating Speedy! Great selfie!

    Noodle and crew

  35. Keep eating Speedy! Love the selfie my friend!


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