Wednesday 18 November 2015

Disapproving Bun Day!

Well its Wednesday and I thought it was High Time for another Disapproving Bun Day Today's Star is Called Slow Poke and he is up for adoption at the Golden Valley Humane Society in Minnesota this is another Bunny photo sent in by my Aunty Anita.Hehehehe He looks like he could be my Cousin except he's not a Rex like me,but I'd bet he's faster than his name suggests!
                        "Who put that there...its right in my way!"

Thank you Aunty Anita for sending this one in,xx Speedy

Don't forget to hop on over to Disapproving Bun for some more great bunnies!

And don't forget to send in your photo's of your bunnies to be feature on Disapproving Bun Day to [email protected]


  1. We hope Slow Poke gets a forever home quick like!

  2. Lovely photo of a lovely bun!

  3. Wow, that cutie does look a lot like you. Hope he finds a home soon.

  4. Hope he finds a forever home soon. Until recently I didn't realize bunnies, hamsters, and other such animals were getting helped by rescues. It's good to know.

  5. speedy....dood....him doez look like ewe....may bee thiz iz like yur cuzin ...ya noe !!! we hope he findz hiz new for everz home veree soon ♥♥♥

  6. You are both very handsome bunnies, Speedy and Slow Poke. I hope you keep your hoomins busy bringing you treats and giving you lots of love! xxx

  7. Hims very cute Speedy. You know weez never seen a bunny in our shelter. Hope it means there awen't any who need homes. Hope yous have a gweat day. Oh and weez sharin' and purayin'.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. It does look like a relative, Speedy. I hope someone take Slow Poke home soon. ♥

  9. What a cutie! Hope he gets his forever home real soon!

  10. Hope he doesn't disapprove of his forever home! teehee

  11. OMB! I thought for a nanosecond that was you Speedy! Butts then, you are so handsome, i quickly realized that it was a look-a-like! A cute look-alike, butts not my pal! Anyhu, I hopes Slow Poke finds a forever homes real soon! What a cutie patoooootie!!
    Ruby ♥

  12. He's pretty handsome, just like you. I hope he finds a good home soon.

  13. SPEED BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!! I see you featured Slow Poke the Minnesota bunny! HAHAHHAHA

    Oh isn't he so cute, like you? I could swear he is your double, but he is definitely not a rexy rabbit! Oh my little one, how are you? Thank you for featuring another bunster from the adoption center. They are so precious. XOXOX

  14. Nose nudgies Slow Poke, what fine and regal disapprover you are! <3

  15. How cute!!! I hate it when obstacles get in my way too - oinks! XOXO - Bacon


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