Sunday 15 November 2015

Sunday Selfie

Yes this one is from last year during the run up to Christmas,which reminds me My Christmas Count Down starts on the first of December this is the first reminder.Every Year I have my Christmas Count Down where you all send in photo's of yourselves (if Possible) with your Christmas Trees and Decorations and I post them each day right up to Christmas Day!You need to email them in to [email protected] closing date is Christmas Eve midnight UK ever whatever is in mummys email box when she gets up will be posted on Christmas Day so you can sneak some in at the last minute....hehehe....shhh don't tell her I said you could it will be our secret!
And don't Forget my favourite 3 will get a surprise Christmas gift mailed out to them....that way Christmas lasts a bit longer!Hope you all join in,each year gets bigger and better!

And Finally We send our thoughts and prayers to Paris and France after the shocking attacks there Friday.


  1. That's a terrific selfie Speedy! Hooray for Christmas coming!!!

  2. Speedy, you looked pawsome in front of the tree. We can't believe it's almost time for that countdown! Hope you are having an easy Sunday!

  3. Speedy, you are the master of the selfie! So lovely!


  4. Grate Seasonall selfie Speedy!!!!
    Maybee mee will put up a wee tree this year.....if mee doess mee get LadyMum to take a foto...
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xXxXx

  5. Lady sent you a picture in front of a tree from last year. Christmas will be here too soon! We are thinking of Paris and hoping for peace too.

  6. Great selfie, Speedy. It doesn't seem that long since it was last Christmas!

  7. Dat sounds like gweat fun Speedy. Mommy sed we won't be havin' Christmas this year cuz there's no money, but me will twy to get her to do sumfin' fur us so we can send a foto. have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  8. Beautiful selfie Speedy. Prayers for Paris.
    Sue B

  9. We love your Christmas countdown!! What a great holiday selfie!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. Nice job Speedy! We will enjoy everyone's Christmas photos, since we are Jewish don't put up trees.

  11. What a cute selfie, Speedy! We need to get our decorations up so we can start taking pictures to send you. :)

  12. Good morning dear, dear Speedy! IT'S SANTA SPEEDY (or, Speedy Santa) are darling my little boy! Have a safe and beautiful week.

  13. Love that picture of you my sweet friend. I can't believe it's almost Christmas! XOXO - Bacon

  14. Since our mom is a procrastinator, we have sent our photo on Christmas Eve before. We'll try to do better this year. Nice up-close selfie, Speedy. Thanks for hopping over to our blog for Sunday Selfies. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. That's a great selfie.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  16. Hello Speedy
    Here, we are all very sad because of what happens in Paris. Sad and scare.

    We remember last year Christmas pictures on your blog. It's was great fun !

  17. I was so shocked about Paris. Very disturbing and tragic. :(

    Great selfie! I will have to try and remember the Christmas countdown picture this year. We'll see how the photo shoot goes. ;)

  18. you are still the most handsome bun I know Speedy


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