Tuesday 9 February 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Hi everybody sorry for not posting Disapproving Bun Day last week but as it was my Gotcha I am sure you will forgive me and I am sure you will forgive me for posting a day early this week as tomorrow is a very special day for my mummy.....Anyway this week's stars are Lily and Onyx from the Bunny Burrow of Facebook and was sent in by their Mum...Aunty Kathy.It was taken after their Bonding ceremony.......Apparently Lily was a bit peeved for some privacy with her new Husbun....hehehe
                     "Mom this is our honeymoon you know!"

Don't they make a pawsome Couple?Anyway you know the drill send in you photos of your disapproving bunnies to [email protected] to be the next star of Disapproving Bun Day!

And for more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. I think I have to approve this one, Speedy, it is so cute :) Pawkisses :) <3

  2. *giggle* Lily still gives me the 'stink eye' if I walk in when they are laying with their heads one on top of the other. lol

  3. Ooops! YES! This is a private moment! teeehehehehehehhee (husbun - that is soooo cute) RIGHT! Now you two, get on with it and make some bunsters!


  4. What a beautiful couple!! XOXO - Bacon

  5. I disapprove of your inactions last week.

  6. Awe, what a sweet looking couple. :)

  7. So cute! What an adorable couple. :)

  8. No little Bunsters. Both are altered. But they are inseparable and adore each other. Lily was lonely all by herself. Til one day I saw a photo of a Bun hrs away that had just been rescued. He was Deaf. I have worked with the Deaf community & knew I could help this little boy. I also knew if he & Lily liked each other, many good things could come from it. They have! Lily id happy and no longer lonely, plus she helps Onyx by alerting him to what is happening around him. When it's time to eat, or go to another playroom, she'll wait for him to follow her.
    Also, both Buns a learned a simple from of sign language for words like 'come' & 'treat'. They are very happy together.

  9. Lily and Onyx are a beautiful color.

  10. They are a very cute couple.

  11. They are both quite adorable. Are they planning on starting a family sometime soon? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. How adorable. Enjoy your day.
    Sue B


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