Monday 22 February 2016

Feline Investigation: The Making of a Feline Express™ Driver #Returntofield....Helping Savannah and Her Mum!

Please can you support and help my friend Savannah and her mummy with such a great cause.
Savannahs mum has been training to become a Feline Express Driver,She works with Outcast Cat Help.They return Feral cats that have been neutered and spayed and then returns them back to where they come from rather than these kitties staying in kill shelters waiting to be euthanised.They need help in raising funds to help provide equipment and supplies.
So Please Hop on over to Savannah's Paw Tracks to read the full Story on the work that is being done and on how you can help this great cause!Mummy and me are going to help where we can and we're asking you to help where you can too!


  1. This was such an important post - I still need to share it!

  2. That is such a cool and wonderful program!

  3. Well done, Speedy. Mom and I already donated to this very necessary program. Such important work!

    Love and licks,

  4. Oh, now that is a wonderful occupation to have! Helping out the critters, the environment, and being out in the community. BRAVO!

  5. Very important to help kitties.
    Sue B

  6. it is great what Savannahs and TKS pawrents do for our feline friends... and this post deserved shoutouts and sharing on all social medias ... I brought it to fb and I hope for a lot of feedback and a lot of helpers...

  7. Thank you a million times over Speedy for sharing. We did not raise much in green papers but we all tried. Paw kisses

  8. We will hop over and help Speedy
    Thank you for your support of our Big Buddy Budd. It is really appreciated dear friend.
    Timmy Dad and Family

  9. Savvy is such a wonderful grrl furrend! her and her Mommy and her sister Sage does so much to helps other animals!
    Now Speedy, can yous keeps a secret?
    Don't tell my Mommy, but mes started my own blog
    Your Nellie Bellie

  10. Mom Linda is helping with such an important project. We convinced our mom to send them four cases of food. Speedy you are doing such a great job advocating for some exceptional projects. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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