Wednesday 24 February 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

                                     "Mum!I'm busy reading the mail!"

Yes it's me again for Disapproving Bun Day!Don't forget to send in your photo's of your bunnies to [email protected]

And for more Disapproving bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun

Only one more week to go till we change over to our new internet company,we are still having the go slow with the current one so please bare with us.Tomorrow is Movie day and friday we are doing a special post for the ASPCA and their dog fighting awareness campaign with a giveaway for you all!


  1. Hello Speedy <3 Sending Kisses and Hugs!
    Also, I'll let you in on a secret :)
    Bunny Burrow is having an Easter Photo Contest in March!
    The winner will be featured in Bunnyzine!!
    So, if you want to enter, you can plan your photo early, ;)

  2. fishes with de new inter webz companee... we hope they due knot make de diz a proovin list !! ♥♥♥

  3. Well we approve of your photo Speedy, it's terrific!

  4. Love your photos Speedy.
    Sue B

  5. I could send in my photo but it wouldn't meet the category. ANGRY BIRDS

  6. Speedy bunny in the little blue sweater! teeeheheheheh.....I can't wait to go to the Hoppy Hour again and fetch you some fun bunnies to feature; there are many disapproving bunsters there! Hugs to you!

  7. Speedy! That coat is Purrfect! Yous looks so sauve and debonair mes did not read a word of your blog yet...mes still drooling over the pictures!
    Loves yous muchly
    Your Nellie Bellie

  8. You are stunningly disapproving there Speedy!

  9. Are you disapproving of the pee-mail you found? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. ***Hi-5'sss*** Speedy! Grate foto mee furend....
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  11. You're a wonderful disapprover, Speedy! <3


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