Thursday 11 February 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to another Movie Day this week I thought I would share some of my adventures with other Anipals I have met....

Speedy and the horses 4

This next Movie is of my adventure with some of my pal Bacon's Cousins,talking of Bacon he did an interview with me and its on todays post so hop on over to see me and my pal Bacon too!

Tuesday fun with the piggies

If you have trouble playing the videos just click the links under each one and that will take you to Youtube for the full video.


  1. pohnees and horse and even piggies! the darker piggy used his tail like a propeller LOL

  2. Speedy! We loved your videos. How nice that you got to meet the horses, and make friends with them. :)

  3. You always go on such wonderful adventures. Was your mom holding you while you watched the piggies?


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