Wednesday 17 February 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

"Do you mind Mummy?This is not my best angle!"

Hehehe yes it's me today as the star of Disapproving Bun Day this if from one of my day's out last week.....yes you can see the sae if you look closely!

Don't forget to send in you Photos of your Disapproving Bunnies to [email protected] to star in next week's post.

And for more Disapproving Buns hop on over to Disapproving Bun!


  1. You have only beautiful angles, Speedy! Don´t worry!

  2. Aww, I'm sure with a view like that and lush grass you couldn't be a disapproving Bunny for long... purrs Erin

  3. You look adorable at any angle
    Lily & Edward

  4. speedy...dood...we iz mega gel uz ya haz all that way kewl green grazz ta eat !!! ♥♥♥

  5. YOU are a Handsome Hopper no matter WHAT side the flashy beast is snapping at you from.

  6. We think you look good from EVERY angle, Speedy!

  7. But what are you REALLY thinking, Speedy? ;-)

  8. I'm not sure I see "disapproving" is this photo. I just see a very cute bunny and some very green and soft-looking grass.

  9. Good morning, disapproving Speedy! Well, I APPROVE of your cuteness, your kindness and capacity to put a smile on my face every time. CUDDLES TO YOU!

  10. Don't worry, Speedy, you are adorable no matter what angle your mom gets your photo from! <3

  11. So cute. You have lots of adventures.
    Sue B

  12. Speedy - you look good from any angle :)


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