Thursday 7 July 2016

ASPCA ID your pet day giveaway winner

So it that time to announce the winner of the ASPCA ID you pet day giveaway winner.....seems I was a bit naughty as you can see in the video....

So there you have it after me umming and arrring and being naughty I finally picked the winner.....

CONGRATULATIONS to Alasandra ,The Cats and Dogs .....ATCAD!

Mummy will be in touch with you soon to get your Addy details!

Come back tomorrow for Movie day...I know its a day late!


  1. You weren't naughty, just selective.

  2. conga ratz two ewe socks & crew !!! N speedy...dood...we CRACKED UP when ya threw all thoz entreez off de lid....we even hit de re wind button ta watch it again ☺☺☺☺ good one buddy !!!

    we iz out til monday; sew heerz two a blueline tilefish kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  3. Oh Speedy, you made us ALL MOL! Concats to ATCAD!

  4. MOL, Speedy! You can be almost as difficult as a kitty!

  5. good things need a while, right? and you are a very responsible winner picker Speedy :o) Congrats ATCAD!!!

  6. Oh, poo! I am unable to watch the video! It doesn't work for me! But I trust that your nose and tiny mouth picked out the right winner! Hugs to you dearest friends.

  7. The fur babies are thrilled to have won. Thanks Speedy.

  8. Hurrah for Lady Alasandra an thee fur babies!!! Woo Hoo!!!
    As mee won last year mee did not want to enter again; give otherss a chance!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx


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