Friday 22 July 2016

Speedy's Movie Day!

Hey Everyone time for movie day!Todays movies are down at the farm and there are Horses.....Yes Big Horses!Enjoy the show....

Hope you all enjoyed the show,have a great weekend until next time.


  1. Aren't you cute, hopping around in that long grass!

  2. Grate videoss Speedy!!!
    Are those Shire horses?? They are so big an luvley.....mee misses mee horsess frum thee farm; they were such good lissenerss!!!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  3. Wow, those are big horses! We love seeing you enjoying the grass outdoors!

  4. Hi Speedy, looks like you had a lovely outing and some competition for all that grass. Did the horses stop by and say hello? they make great friends but those feet are a bit big for my liking. purrs ERin

  5. What an adventure ! Those horses are really big indeed. Purrs

  6. Looks like you are enjoying all the grass, Speedy.

  7. That extra long grass looks delicious, S. And the horses are very fluffy.

    Love and licks,

  8. It's fun so see you out there horsin' around Speedy!

  9. My two absolute favorite creatures on the planet: RABBITS and HORSES. Oh Speedy, you have made friends with the equine community! How I love to watch you eat your way through the farmland and take us along with you! Good boy....and thank you and mummy for your sweet visit! HAPPY WEEKEND!

  10. Speedy! Darling!
    Look at those horses!!! They is massive and yous don't looks the least bit scared! Yous is my hero!
    Loads of kisses


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