Saturday 30 September 2017

Mickey the Hedgehogs Webcam Results

Hi everyone,hope you're all having a great weekend!We're have lots of wet and windy weather for the weekend here so I'm guessing we won't be doing much except for lazing around but that's okay. Anyway we thought you would like to see the results of the Hogcam the mummy set up for Thursday night....well it rained and rained and well it rained,the Hogcam did get a bit of wet on it but not enough to stop it but the rain did cause a bit of distortion but we did get something on Mickey so here's the video clips........

This first one is just to show the rain interference but we caught a snail on camera!This was at 9.30pm

Direct Youtube link click here

If you look at the black square that is Mickey's personal door in and out of the greenhouse,his food bowls set up just in front of the door way about 10 inches inside so you can just make him out having some dinner.This was at about 3am.

Direct Youtube link click here

Got a bit of moisture on the camera here but you can still just see Mickey's eyes moving about,This was at about 5am, he's having some more snacks we think in these next 2 videos.

Direct Youtube Link click here

In this Video Mickey comes right to the door he pops his head out looks up at the rain and turns around and goes back in.....he really doesn't like the rain!This is was filmed just before 6am and is the clearest shot we got of him.

Direct Youtube Link Click Here

So that was it Mickey didn't come out of the greenhouse at all and who can blame him with all that rain.Mummy didn't reset the camera last night as she needed to dry it out a bit but tonight she's going to try and set it up inside the greenhouse so it will stay dry as we are forecast to have lots of rain and wind over the next couple of nights again so this way we will have a clearer view of Mickey.

Thursday we did get some dry weather so we did get out for a little adventure so here's a sneaking peek at that adventure!
Tomorrow you get to see more of my adventure and the results of Mickey's Hogcam.....See you then!


  1. Yeah, I don't blame Mickey for not wanting to go out in the rain! You did catch a little of him, though!

  2. That was good to get glimpses of Mickey in the greenhouse. I don't blame him for staying in the dry. I wouldn't want to go out in the rain either.

  3. Oh Speedy mi man, I can see him!!!!! You are such a good caretaker of the small and sweet creatures on your patch!

  4. It was neat to see him. Hope the rain stops soon.

  5. It's so nice that Mickey has a place where it's safe and there's food!

  6. I saw something move-I guess it was Mickey.

  7. hello mickey the hedgehog its dennis the vizsla dog hay i do not blaym yoo for staying inside i do not like the rain eether!!! hay i think their is a song abowt yoo i think it goes oh mickey yoove got spines yoov got spines yoo blow my mind hay mickey!!! hay mickey!!! ok bye

  8. How frustrating that the rain stopped a major webcam event. I would have LOVED to see more of Mikey. Good luck!

  9. Ooh the little dear. I don't think I'd be going out if I didn't have to. Cant wait to see what the dry cam results look like, all being well. You all hang on to your hats and stay safe over the next week!
    Toodle pip and purrs

  10. I hate the rain too so I would not come out in the wet either

  11. This was so exciting, Speedy. Glad we have seen a glimps of the little hedgehog😸 Double Pawkiss😸❤


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