Wednesday 13 September 2017

Speedy's Annual Pirate Party!

Arrgh me hearties tis time to announce me annual pirate party!  So get your costumes dusted off and send your photos to me at [email protected] for me party starts on 19th September here on my blog and there Will be a Facebook event that will be up and running on the weekend for ye all to enjoy and partake of some grog!

Thee party closes 22nd September and then thee voting will start on Saturday 23rd September here and on Facebook to be in with a chance to me treasure trove!

So I wish ye good luck  and be seeing ye at thee party!


  1. I need a pirate to sit on my shoulder.

  2. speedy !!! dood !!!!!!!! how haz ya ben....we haz knot seen ya in forever.. ore may bee even longer ☺☺ ...hope yur summer waz grate; lookin forwerd ta see in everee one in coztoom !! ☺☺♥♥

    1. It wasn't to bad a summer a bit wet at times but now its party time my Tabby friends,xx Speedy

  3. we're probably going to have the same outfits as last year lol. Pirate Day is the 19th, you're doing it after that for sure?

  4. Shiver me timbers I was just wondering when Talk like a Pirate Day was. I better start practicing. Arghhhhh!

    1. hehehe I'm sure you'll get brushed up on that in time for my party RG,xx Speedy

  5. Oh boy! Your Pirate Party sounds so fun, Speedy!

  6. OMD!!!!! It's that time again??!!! I gots to gets me a new pic for your pawty! I've used the old one just too often ☺ Thanks for the heads up Speedy!
    Ruby ♥

    1. hehehe oh Yes it's that time again sweet ruby and I can't wait to see your outfit,xx Speedy

  7. IT'S TIME!!!!!!!! OH SPEEDY, er, uh, Oh Capt'n my Capt'n, you are wonderful!

  8. Hey Speedy! We may dust ourselves off and join you! We have been MIA for quite some time and this sounds like a good time to come back to Blogville :)

  9. Oh, I need to look for a pirate costume asap!

  10. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay this sownds like fun but wil it be a party or wil it be a paaaaaarrrrrty??? ha ha ok bye

  11. Mee must get LadyMum to do sum werk Speedy, mew mew mew...
    **nose bumpss* yur Pie-rat buddy, Siddhartha Henry xXx


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